- Clone this repository in your folder on the UCI HPC
git clone https://github.com/jazsakr/cosmos2023_c2c12_smk.git
- Run the set-up script and follow the on-screen instructions
bash set-up.sh
- Run the script that runs snakemake file
bash run_smk.sh
C2C12 myoblasts were differentiated into myotubes and made into long-read Nanopore libraries.
The following is provided for you:
- Basecalled and trimmed reads
- Mouse reference genome and annotation
This workflow uses snakemake to run the long-read pipline using TranscriptClean and TALON.
Running the set-up.sh
script does the following:
- install package manager conda
and mamba
- configure conda
by adding channels
- clone long-read packages TranscriptClean
- create environment with snakemake
Runing the run_smk.sh
script does the following:
- Map to genome using minimap2
- Reverse flipped reads with custom script
- Reference-based error correction using TranscriptClean
- Quantify and categorize transcripts using TALON