- Pre Requisites
Java 8
Maven 3
- Overview
Application provides a RESTful api which allows clients to enrich Customer Account data through interaction with ER IF.
- Commands
To build and run unit and integration tests:
- Add the following servers to your maven settings.xml:
<server> <id>er</id> <username>read-only</username> <password>simplepassword</password> </server> <server> <id>ppe</id> <username>read-only</username> <password>simplepassword</password> </server>
- mvn clean verify
To run the application in an embedded Tomcat server for dev:
mvn spring-boot:run
To run the application standalone you can also run:
java jar <path-to-jar>
e.g. java jar target/vf-account-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
REST Api Documentation can be seen at the following url:
With the Swagger-UI location:
Note that the application must be running to see the documentation.