It's a simple navigation tool for webOS (OSE) -
- prepare build-webos and run ./mcf command at least once
- copy to 'wns' to your build-webos folder
- execute '# bash --rcfile wns'
- goto '{keyword}' : move last version of component folder (e.g. # goto nodejs)
- oe {command} {component} : direct call to run pre-created bitbake scripts (e.g. # oe compile chromium53)
- bb ~~~ : just a alias of bitbake but can use anywhere
- btail {component} ({command}) : tailing last activity of bitbake work (e.g. # btail chromium53 compile)
- @add {key} : add a change directory shortcut for current PWD
- @del {key} : delete added shortcut
- @list : list added shortcuts
- @base : cd to build-webos root