Arch Linux dotfiles for my Linux rice
- 823 total upvotes
- rofi - dmenu replacement
- polybar - statusbar
- feh - image viewer and wallpaper
- GTK-3.0 - for gruvbox theme in GUI apps
- i3-gaps - modified i3-wm to include gaps
- i3-lock - to make lock screen
- neofetch - display system information
- YCM for Vim - autocompletes programming syntax
- neovim - terminal text editor
- rxvt-unicode (urxvt) - terminal
- sshpass - to make scripts for ssh easy
- picom - window compositor that allows for transparency
- htop - shows running processes
- gotop - shows running processes
- ranger - terminal file manager
- font-awesome - polybar icons
- pywal - wallpaper color changing support
- xautolock - to automatically lock screen after x minutes
- scrot - takes screenshot for xautolock
- eclipse - IDE
- android Studio - IDE for Android app development
- firefox - browser
- discord-ptb - different version of Discord to fix audio issues
- spotify - music
- cmake - for C++ and C programs
- thunar - GUI file manager
- cmatrix - nice thing to look at
- cmatrix not transparent - you have to do the following to install rather than using package manager (taken fron instructions in cmatrix repo):
git clone
cd cmatrix
autoreconf -i
make install
- gotop font issues - make sure you use the .Xresources file in my repo and run
xrdb .Xresource
- urxvt font issues - make sure you use the .Xresources file in my repo and run
xrdb .Xresources
- cava audio issues - go to pavucontrol and set the right input method