The purpose of this project is to translate Java class files into JavaScript files that can do the same thing in a browser as the original class would have done in a JVM.
Right now, we're just getting started. It doesn't work yet, unless your program is Hello World. :)
We aim to support all the comforts of a real JVM, including:
- dynamic class loading at runtime
- reflection
- access to the underlying system through native (JNI) methods
- working properly for bytecode generated by any JVM language compiler; not just javac
- Figure out how instance creation will work (JavaScript new operator?)
- Figure out how Java inheritance will work (JavaScript prototype chains?)
- Figure out where instance vs. static fields will be stored
- Figure out how to implement getClass()
- Discover dependencies while processing, and recursively process those classes too
- Support built-in base cases such as java.lang.Object and java.lang.System
- Proof-of-concept using ProGuard for upfront obfuscation, minification, and dead code elimination (why solve this problem again in bytescript?)
- Proof-of-concept using the Closure compiler for after-the-fact obfuscation, minification, and method inlining
- Get a basic HelloWorld class to translate and run in a browser