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lib/auglag: first implementation of the AugLag solver for equality co…
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jcarpent committed Nov 5, 2018
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Showing 2 changed files with 832 additions and 0 deletions.
366 changes: 366 additions & 0 deletions include/pinocchio/ceres/augmented-lagrangian-problem.hpp
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@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
// Copyright (c) 2018 INRIA
// This file is part of Pinocchio-Ceres
// pinocchio is free software: you can redistribute it
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version
// 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// pinocchio is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
// General Lesser Public License for more details. You should have
// received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
// pinocchio If not, see
// <>.

#ifndef __pinocchio_ceres_augmented_lagrangian_problem_hpp__
#define __pinocchio_ceres_augmented_lagrangian_problem_hpp__

#include <ceres/ceres.h>
#include <Eigen/Core>

#include "pinocchio/container/aligned-vector.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/ceres/constraint-types.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/ceres/shift-residual.hpp"
#include "pinocchio/ceres/eigen.hpp"

namespace pinocchio
namespace ceres
/// \brief Base class for equality constrained problem
/// of the form \f$ min ||f(x)||_2^{2} s.t. g(x) = 0\f$.
struct AugmentedLagrangianProblem

typedef ::ceres::Solver::Options InnerSolverOptions;
typedef ::ceres::Solver::Summary InternalSolverSummary;
typedef ::ceres::Problem InternalSolverProblem;
typedef std::vector<double*> VectorBlockVariable;

typedef Eigen::VectorXd VectorType;

typedef std::vector<double*> ParameterBlocksType;
typedef se3::container::aligned_vector<ShiftResidual> VectorShiftResidual;

/// \brief Structure containing the optimal solution of the Augmented Lagrangian solver.
struct Solution

/// \brief Primal solution.
VectorType x;
/// \brief Lagrange multipliers associated to the equality constraints.
VectorType equality_multipliers;
/// \brief Lagrange multipliers associated to the inequality constraints.
VectorType inequality_multipliers;

/// \brief Penalty on the equality constraints at the end of the resolution.
double mu_equality;
/// \brief Penalty on the inequality constraints at the end of the resolution.
double mu_inequality;

/// \brief Number of outer iterations.
int num_outer_iterations;

/// \brief Number of inner iterations.
int num_inner_iterations;

/// \brief Optimization status.
::ceres::TerminationType status;

/// \brief Options for the Augmented Lagrangian solver.
struct Options

/// \brief Options for the internal solver
InnerSolverOptions internal_options;

/// \brief Initial penalty on the equality constraints.
double mu0_equality = 10.;

/// \brief Initial penalty on the inequality constraints.
double mu0_inequality = 10.;

/// \brief Penalty factor update.
double penalty_factor_update = 10.;

/// \brief Maximal number of iterations.
int max_iterations = 100;

/// \brief Initial tolerance on the inner iterations.
double omega0 = 1./std::max(mu0_equality,mu0_inequality);

/// \brief Initial tolerance on the equality constraints.
double eta0_equality = 1./std::pow(mu0_equality,0.1);

/// \brief Initial tolerance on the inequality constraints.
double eta0_inequality = 1./std::pow(mu0_inequality,0.1);

/// \brief Check gradients during the inner iteration.
bool check_gradients = false;

/// \brief Tolerance on the gradient of the Auglab Problem at optimum.
double omega_opt = 1e-6;

/// \brief Tolerance on the equality constraints at optimum.
double eta_opt_equality = 1e-6;

/// \brief Tolerance on the inequality constraints at optimum.
double eta_opt_inequality = 1e-6;

/// \brief Report progress on std::cout.
bool outer_loop_progress_to_stdout = false;


/// \brief Default constructor.

/// \brief Add a cost residual term.
void AddCostResidualBlock(::ceres::CostFunction* cost_function,
::ceres::LossFunction* loss_function,
const ParameterBlocksType & parameter_blocks);

/// \brief Convenience method for adding a cost residual with a single parameter block.
void AddCostResidualBlock(::ceres::CostFunction* cost_function,
::ceres::LossFunction* loss_function,
double* x0);

/// \brief Convenience method for adding a cost residual with two parameter blocks.
void AddCostResidualBlock(::ceres::CostFunction* cost_function,
::ceres::LossFunction* loss_function,
double* x0, double* x1);

/// \brief Convenience method for adding a cost residual with three parameter blocks.
void AddCostResidualBlock(::ceres::CostFunction* cost_function,
::ceres::LossFunction* loss_function,
double* x0, double* x1, double * x2);

/// \brief Add an equality constrained residual block.
void AddEqualityConstraintResidualBlock(::ceres::CostFunction* residual,
const ParameterBlocksType & parameter_blocks);

/// \brief Convenience method for adding an equality constrained residual block with a single parameter block.
void AddEqualityConstraintResidualBlock(::ceres::CostFunction* residual,
double* x0);

/// \brief Convenience method for adding an equality constrained residual block with a single parameter block.
void AddEqualityConstraintResidualBlock(::ceres::CostFunction* residual,
double* x0, double* x1);

/// \brief Convenience method for adding an equality constrained residual block with a single parameter block.
void AddEqualityConstraintResidualBlock(::ceres::CostFunction* residual,
double* x0, double* x1, double * x2);

/// \brief Solve the problem from an initial solution.
/// \returns the optimal solution.
Solution Solve(const Options & options);

/// \brief Set the local parametrization for one of the parameter blocks
void SetParameterization(double *values, ::ceres::LocalParameterization *local_parameterization)

/// \brief Working variables for the AugLag problem.
struct WorkingSet

/// \brief Init from options.
WorkingSet(const Options & options);

/// \brief Current iteration.
int it;

/// \brief Primal variable.
Eigen::VectorXd x_current;

/// \brief Equality multipliers.
Eigen::VectorXd equality_multipliers;

/// \brief Inequality multipliers.
Eigen::VectorXd inequality_multipliers;

/// \brief Equality penalty value.
double mu_equality;

/// \brief Inquality penalty value.
double mu_inequality;

/// \brief Initial tolerance on the inner iterations.
double omega;

/// \brief Tolerance on the equality constraints.
double eta_equality;

/// \brief Tolerance on the inequality constraints.
double eta_inequality;

int NumParameters() const
return auglag_ceres_problem->NumParameters();

int NumEffectiveParameters() const
return auglag_ceres_problem->NumEffectiveParameters();

int NumEqualityBlocks() const
return (int)shifted_equality_constraints_vec.size();

int NumEqualities() const
return num_equalities;

int NumInequalityBlocks() const
return (int)shifted_inequality_constraints_vec.size();

int NumInequalities() const
return num_inequalities;

/// \brief Evaluate the cost and the gradient at a given entry point x.
/// \param[out] cost The return cost value of the Augmented Lagrangian.
/// \param[out] gradient The value of the gradient of the Augmented Lagrangian.
void Evaluate(double & cost,
Eigen::VectorXd & gradient);

/// \brief Evaluate the gradient only of the cost function.
/// \param[out] cost The return cost value.
/// \param[out] gradient The value of the gradient of the cost function.
void EvaluateCostGradient(double & cost,
Eigen::VectorXd & cost_gradient);

/// \brief Evaluate the equality constraints results (gradient, residuals, Jacobian).
/// \param[out] constraint_residuals_ptr Pointer on the vector containing the constraint residuals.
/// \param[out] constraint_gradient_ptr Pointer on the gradient vector of the equality constraints.
/// \param[out] constraint_jacobian_ptr Pointer on the Jacobian matrix of the equality constraints.
void EvaluateEqualityConstraints(std::vector<double> * constraint_residuals_ptr,
std::vector<double> * constraint_gradient_ptr,
::ceres::CRSMatrix * constraint_jacobian_ptr);

/// \brief Evaluate the equality constraints gradient.
/// \param[out] constraint_gradient Gradient vector of the equality constraints.
void EvaluateEqualityConstraintsGradient(Eigen::VectorXd & constraint_gradient);

/// \brief Evaluate the equality constraints residual.
/// \param[out] constraint_residuals Vector containing the constraint residuals.
void EvaluateEqualityConstraintsResiduals(Eigen::VectorXd & constraint_residuals);

/// \brief Evaluate the Jacobian of the equality constraints
/// \param[out] constraint_jacobian Jacobian matrix of the equality constraints.
void EvaluateEqualityConstraintsJacobian(::ceres::CRSMatrix & constraint_jacobian);

virtual ~AugmentedLagrangianProblem();


/// \brief Init the Augmented Lagrangian problem.
/// \details Set up the Ceres problem and do the memory allocation
void initAugLagProblem();

/// \brief Scaling factor in front of the equality augmented terms.
/// \details This factor is common for all the equality constraints.
::ceres::LossFunctionWrapper scaling_factor_equality;

/// \brief Scaling factor in front of the inequality augmented terms.
/// \details This factor is common for all the inequality constraints.
::ceres::LossFunctionWrapper scaling_factor_inequality;

/// \brief The inner loop problem to be solved.
::ceres::Problem * auglag_ceres_problem;

/// \brief Vector of shifted equality constraints.
/// \details Each equality constraint has its own multiplier vectors, which
/// corresponds to the shift operated by the ShiftResidual cost.
VectorShiftResidual shifted_equality_constraints_vec;

/// \brief Vector of shifted equality constraints.
VectorShiftResidual shifted_inequality_constraints_vec;

typedef ::ceres::ResidualBlockId ResidualBlockId;
typedef std::vector<ResidualBlockId> VectorResidualBlockId;

/// \brief Vector of residuals for the cost terms.
VectorResidualBlockId cost_residual_blocks;

/// \brief Vector of residuals for the equality constraints.
VectorResidualBlockId equality_constraint_residual_blocks;

/// \brief Vector of residuals for the inequality constraints.
VectorResidualBlockId inequality_constraint_residual_blocks;

/// \brief Vector of residuals for the active inequality constraints.
VectorResidualBlockId active_inequality_constraint_residual_blocks;

/// \brief Equality constraints segment info.
/// \details Provides the segment position inside residual vector or multipliers.
std::vector<EigenSegmentInfo> equality_segment_info;


/// \brief Update the penalty value for each ScalingLoss.
void updatePenalty(::ceres::LossFunctionWrapper & scaling_factor,
const double & penalty);

/// \brief Update the multipliers values of the shifted residual.
void setEqualityMultipliers(const Eigen::VectorXd & multipliers,
const double & penalty);

/// \brief Number of equalities.
int num_equalities;

/// \brief Number of inequalities.
int num_inequalities;

}; // AugmentedLagrangianProblem

#endif // ifndef __pinocchio_ceres_augmented_lagrangian_problem_hpp__

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