Thanks to everyone for your feedback during our beta releases, enjoy!
First official release:
- Fully converted for UUIDs, database conversion will be automatic on plugin load. (Recommend backing up landlord.db first just in case)
- Improved compatibility with other plugins.
- Added option to regenerate chunk on unclaim.
- Added permission for overriding land limits.
- Beacons, music boxes, and cauldrons are now protected under "use containers".
- some new flags: use redstone, tnt, and use doors.
- Fixed possible bug when /reload was run and a player was in the land management UI.
- can now use "/land unfriend" instead of "/land remfriend" thought both will still work.
- New commands "/land friendall" and "/land unfriendall" to add/remove friends from all your owned land.
- Massive code refactoring to make way for a dynamic API for adding land flags thought other plugins, should be fully ready to use in a few releases.