This web application let you manage git repositories. You can easily create a repository and add user access (read/write) to your repo.
Each users can their own set of SSH public keys.
In order to install, GitBox-web on your server you'll have to:
install mongodb (very simple installation: just need to donwload and launch server)
add a git user on you server (no password)
choose one of the 2 script gitaccess (python or ruby) and install pymongo or mongo-ruby
make a symbolic link as git user
chmod +x gitaccess.rb
ln -s gitaccess.rb $HOME/gitaccess
and voilà
GET /api/{apikey}/repositories
POST /api/{apikey}/repositories params: name
GET /api/{apikey}/repositories/{uuid}
GET /api/{apikey}/sshkeys
POST /api/{apikey}/sshkeys params: name, key
GET /api/{apikey}/sshkeys/{uuid}
DELETE /api/{apikey}/sshkeys/{uuid}