E: [email protected] W: jcken95.github.io
emulator-data - contains the cheap, expensive and HetGP data for the Athena example
.stan files - stan files used to fit HetGP and SML emulators. hetGP.stan fits a
hetGP emulator, het-SML fits a stochastic multilevel emulator -
GPfunctionOptim.R - used to construct simple emulators hetGPfunctions.R - used for
full MAP
estimation -
emulator-integrated-means.R - used to fit and validate the Athena emulators
diagnostics.R - contains some function for hetgp type emulator diagnostics
psa - conducts a probabalistic sensitivity analysis
run-first-order.R will run the analysis for both emulators
-.R runs the analysis for the mean OR variance for HetGP OR SML
toy-example contains MAP estimate code to run the simple sinusoidal example