This repository contains the sample code used in Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All-in-One (5th edition, 2012).
All the code for this edition of the book is based on the latest version of PHP available at the time of writing (5.4.x, in this case), as well as shiny-at-the-time versions of MySQL (5.5.x) and Apache (2.4.x).
The sample code is organized into directories corresponding to the chapter number in which the code can be found in the book.
The purpose of this book is to learn the core concepts necessary for configuring and managing Apache, the basics of programming in PHP, and methods for using and administering MySQL. The overall goal of the book is to provide you with a foundation that will help you understand how seamlessly these technologies integrate with one another, and to give you practical knowledge of how to integrate them.
This book is not intended as the be-all and end-all of your education in this matter: it’s a first step, which will hopefully illuminate the pathways of all the other steps you will need to take to become an expert in these areas.
The book's ISBN is 0672335433, and was published by Sams in 2012.
For more information about the book, including a table of contents, please visit