This library allows for the selection and manipulation of multiple element. The library requires the querySelectorAll
Web API to select elements by CSS selector string.
Elements that are selected are stored internally in a Set
. Class member functions operate on one or more elements in the set as described below.
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The library constructor is accessed through $
function. The $
function accepts css selector strings and has methods for more performant targeted selection. These are enumerate below
Method Definition | Behavior |
$.css (selector: string) => Selector |
Returns a Selector instance of elements that match the supplied css selector. This is the same as calling $(selector) . |
$.id (id: string) => Selector |
Returns a Selector instance of the element that matches the supplied id. |
$.tag (tagName: string) => Selector |
Returns a Selector instance of elements that match the supplied tag name. |
$.name (name: string) => Selector |
Returns a Selector instance of elements that match the supplied name. |
$.class (name: string) => Selector |
Returns a Selector instance of elements that match the supplied class definition. |
$.element (el: HTMLElement) => Selector |
Returns a Selector of the supplied elements. |
$.list (els: HTMLElement[]) => Selector |
Returns a Selector of the supplied iterable list of elements. |
$.build (str: string) => Selector |
Builds an element based on the provided element creation string and returns a Selector instance containing it. |
$.compile (str: string) => (() => Selector) |
Returns a function which will have the same functionality as $.build with the supplied element creation string, but without having to parse a string on every call. |
Name | Description |
has (el: HTMLElement): boolean |
Indicates whether the el appears in the current selection. |
map<T> (fn: (HTMLElement) => T): T[] |
Calls the user provided function fn on each element and stores, and returns, the results of these calls in an array. |
filter (fn: (HTMLElement) => boolean): Selector |
Filters the selected elements using the user provided function fn . fn is called on each element and only those for which fn returns true are kept. this is returned for chaining. |
forEach (fn: (HTMLElement) => void): this |
Calls the user provided function fn on each element and returns this for chaining. |
reduce<T> (fn: (T, HTMLElement) => T, init?:T): T |
Executes a reducer function, fn on each element resulting in a single value. |
concat (sels: Selector): this |
Adds the contents of one Selection, sels instance to to the calling instance. |
Name | Description |
append (sel: Selector): this |
Appends the selected elements of sel to the first element of the calling instance. This is equivalent to calling appendChild with each child element. |
prepend (sel: Selector): this |
Inserts the selected elements of sel as the as the first child elements of the first element of the calling instance. |
insert (sel: Selector, child: HTMLElement): this |
Inserts the selected elements of sel before the provided child element of the calling Selection . This is equivalent to insertBefore . |
appendTo (sel: Selector): this |
Appends the elements of the calling Selection to the first element of sel . |
prependTo (sel: Selector): this |
Inserts the elements of the calling Selection as the as the first child elements of sel .` |
insertInto(sel: Selector, child: HTMLElement): this |
Inserts the elements of the calling Selection before the provided child element of sel . |
remove (void): this |
Removes all elements contained in the calling Selection from the DOM tree. |
children (css: string): this |
Changes the selection to be all child elements of all currently selected elements which match the CSS selector string css , if provided, without duplication. |
parents (css: string): this |
Changes the selection to be the parents of all currently selected elements that match the CSS selecte string css , if provided, without duplication |
siblings (css: string): this |
CHanges the selection to be all of the siblings of all currently selected elements that match the CSS selector string css , if provided, without duplicates. |
Name | Description |
event (name: string, fn: (Event) => void): this |
Adds the function fn as the callback for the event with name name for each selected element. |
trigger (name: string, args: EventInit): this |
Triggers an event named name with the provided EventInfo dictionary, args on each selected element. |
styles (styleObj: Object): this |
Assigns the style key-value pairs in styleObj to the .style object of each selected element. |
getAttr (name: string): string |
Returns the the value of the attribute named name of the first selected element. |
getProp (name: string): any |
Returns the the value of the property named name of the first selected element. |
setAttr (name: string, value: any): this |
Sets the attribute named name of each selected element to value . |
setProp (name: string, value: any): this |
Sets the property named name of each selected element to value . |
--- | --- |
get value (): string |
Returns the value of the first selected element. |
get text (): string |
Returns the innerText of the first selected element. |
get html (): string |
Returns the innerHTML of the first selected element. |
set value (val: string): void |
Sets the value of all selected elements to val . |
set text (txt: string): void |
Sets the innerText of all selected elements to txt . |
set html (html: string): void |
Sets the innerHTML of all selected elements to html . |
Name | Description |
and (sel: Selector): this |
Removes all elements in the calling Selection that are not also present in sel . |
or (sel: Selector): this |
Add all elements of sel to the calling Selection removing duplicates. |
xor (sel: Selector): this |
Removes and adds elements to the calling Selection such that the resultant selection contains the elements that are uniquely contained between the calling Selection and sel . |
not (sel: Selector): this |
Removes all elements from the calling Selection that exist in sel . |