This is the personal web page of Sergio Pardo, it will be used as an introductory object in searching works and presenting projects.
* index.php //it deploys the app on heroku
* home.html //it has the main html of the web page
* ./css //directory with all the css archives
* ./js //directory with all the javascript archives
* ./images //images used in the web page
* ./fonts //fonts and icons used in the web page
1- Download the repository on your personal computer
2- change the name of the file "home.html" to "index.html"
3- (Optional) Download reaload http server trhough cmd with the instruction "npm install -g reload".... You must already have node.js on your computer.
4- Open a new cmd window that it is located in the repository in your computer
5- Type in the cmd "reload -b" and that's it, you'll have a new browser window running the web page on the url: localhost:8080
This product has an MIT liscense. I will be using it to presentation purposes only.
Since it is a personal web page I would only appreciate contributions in the code as such, the change in content would not be accepted.