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Ngrx Counter Am Snackbar

NgRx Counter with Angular Material Snackbar

This application is inspired by this article and derivative of this repo.


Built With


  • There are few (current) examples of ngrx effects with an Angular Material SnackBar.
  • The original repo used ngx toastr and a ngrx global store.
  • There are no actions in a component store so I am unsure how I would convert this to use a component store instead.
  • There was some duplication in effects to take advantage of toastr's different snackbar types.
  • To emulate different snackbar types in Angular Material, you can pass different components to snackBar.openFromComponent() or use panelClass.
  • I think each different snackbar would require a matching effect. Right now, the project has just one effect for the snackbar.
  • I converted to use action groups versus separate actions.
  • I created a new branch and used the angular cli to convert the project from modules to standalone components.
  • When converting from modules to standalones, it is best to run ng generate @angular/core:standalone on a new branch and start from top to bottom, running the project after each step of the conversion.

Continued Development

  • Vary the snackbar look for different actions

Useful Resources

  • Medium - how to manage your notifications in angular ngrx inside effects as side actions
  • Github - angular ngrx material snackbar
  • Github - angular ngrx ngx toastr
  • Stack Blitz - angular ngrx ngx toastr
  • Blog - ngrx mat snackbar
  • YouTube - NGRX/Effects - Display snack bar material UI Notifications | Dispatch multiple actions from effects
  • - ngrx standalone apis
  • Stack Blitz - angular ngrx component store
  • Medium - component store 101 main concepts and ngrx store interactions
  • Stack Blitz - angular material consecutive snackbars
  • Blog - start using ngrx effects for this
  • This is Angular - ngrx essentials course
  • Angular Docs - standalone migration
  • Medium = add custom css to material snackbar


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