add coverage test (eed0598 )
cleanup (eff4be4 )
Merge pull request #29 from nvbeusekom/barycenter-patch (378149f )
patch barycenter typo (023f18c )
cleanup car example (836dfcc )
release 2.0.2 with ts declarations (1c960cb )
release 2.0.1 (bd32eb5 )
add example using parcoords-es (61e93b7 )
simplify pcp and related functions (4d1d1ea )
fix pcp for d3.parcoords and for parcoords-se, works now (e0d4321 )
remove tiny-queue now useless (f9d3264 )
new parcoords-es starts to work (62d0be3 )
improved pcp parcoords to use the scale-transformed values instead of the raw values. Fix tests (119d5c8 )
prepare for parcoords-es (ac13c64 )
simplify and fix pcp parcoords. Also, cleanup cars pcp examples (4327274 )
fix formatting (6b92a27 )
fix a few missed variable declarations and remove unused deps (c0140c1 )
fix bugs (9d3d462 )
Merge pull request #25 from curran/manual-es6-cleanup (9754f23 )
Manual cleanup of permute-test.js (86d1bb5 )
Manual cleanup of pearson-test.js (64c3572 )
Manual cleanup of pcp-test.js (26a6cc0 )
Manual cleanup of pca1d-test.js (b7f9917 )
Manual cleanup of order-test.js (3ece1ec )
Manual cleanup of mat2graph-test.js (f05d920 )
Manual cleanup of leaforder-test.js (f1db7c4 )
Manual cleanup of laplacian-test.js (bb55344 )
Manual cleanup of graph2mat-test.js (162db7f )
Manual cleanup of graph2distmat-test.js (ff5577b )
Manual cleanup of graph-test.js (bd7c87c )
Manual cleanup of env-assert.js (e051548 )
Manual cleanup of cuthill_mckee-test.js (ca3da28 )
Manual cleanup of count_crossings-test.js (b2d9ada )
Manual cleanup of components-test.js (940fade )
Manual cleanup of ca-test.js (c23890d )
Manual cleanup of bfs-test.js (67b426c )
Manual cleanup of all_pairs_distance-test.js (51c0140 )
Manual cleanup of utils.js (1d50930 )
Manual cleanup of transpose.js (905a02d )
Manual cleanup of sum.js (4efecbd )
Manual cleanup of spectral_order.js (9326bef )
Manual cleanup of random.js (78a6ec0 )
Manual cleanup of poweriteration_n (c10afb1 )
Manual cleanup of poweriteration (df8a739 )
Manual cleanup of permute.js (ff64dba )
Manual cleanup of pcp.js (1cef932 )
Manual cleanup of pca_order.js (770e363 )
Manual cleanup of order.js (73a32f7 )
Manual cleanup of optimal_leaf_order.js (b4928bc )
Manual cleanup of mean.js (713a858 )
Add references to systems using reorder.js (f817ee8 )
Manual cleanup of mat2graph.js (9b9056c )
Manual cleanup of laplacian.js (d8432b1 )
Manual cleanup of intersect.js (eab1295 )
Manual cleanup of hcluster.js (af727d5 )
Manual cleanup of graph_random.js (db65171 )
Manual cleanup of graph_empty.js (379b60d )
Manual cleanup of graph_connect.js (5e556f1 )
Manual cleanup of graph_complete.js (a3a6608 )
Manual cleanup of graph2mat.js (bc30a3c )
Manual cleanup of graph2distmat.js (815c7fc )
Manual cleanup of graph.js (fb737ea )
Manual cleanup of fiedler.js (d559d2f )
Manual cleanup of edgesum.js (d6d84dd )
Manual cleanup of distance.js (11f7906 )
Manual cleanup of dist.js (26dc8c3 )
Manual cleanup of debug.js (0473739 )
Manual cleanup of cuthill_mckee_order.js (6e0d79a )
Manual cleanup of covariance.js (b97a3ba )
Manual cleanup of count_crossings.js (106da52 )
Manual cleanup of correlation.js (c90b7a7 )
Manual cleanup of correlation.js (49c355e )
Manual cleanup of condition.js (4835f53 )
Manual cleanup of ca.js (457bc33 )
Manual cleanup of bfs_order.js (ad0a501 )
Manual cleanup of bfs.js (11f22cf )
Manual cleanup of barycenter_order.js (e6094d3 )
Manual cleanup of bandwidth.js (a1957d7 )
Manual cleanup of all_pairs_distance.js (e6c3540 )
Manual cleanup of adjacent_exchange.js (94c3f87 )
Try arrow-return Lebab transform (9657089 )
cleanup, remove tiny-queue dependency, fix warning from eslint and jshints (bd01a01 )
add demos and development mode (a380ca6 )
hand cleanup (ed90597 )
apply lebab -t arrow-return that cleaned up the code a lot (3dab80b )
Merge pull request #21 from curran/modernize-js (8912fce )
First pass transform using lebab (4c04ce7 )
minify umd module with terser (f2ba4c2 )
Merge pull request #20 from curran/prettier (c588d5f )
Prettier on tests as well (7a935ac )
Adopt Prettier for JavaScript source files (ee950e6 )
Change the python original code to use similarity instead of distance, supposed to be more flexible according to Renaud Blanch (d9278d7 )
Merge pull request #3 from rndblnch/patch-1 (5666065 )
update example to latest version of science (0b8df5e )
Merge pull request #17 from curran/pretest (4807cb0 )
Merge pull request #16 from curran/revive-html-examples (c868ff4 )
Merge pull request #15 from curran/fix-umd-science (55b853e )
Add pretest script that builds. Closes #13 (2a66eac )
Attempt to revive all examples (010fd0d )
Revive miserables example (e8c36e9 )
Closes #12 (f9e6f79 )
link names to github pages (f4ba0d6 )
use science 1.9.3 (8e3e2e3 )
Cleanup code and repo (e73d4e6 )
Merge pull request #10 from curran/modernize-distribution (2406082 )
Remove unnecessary require('science') from tests. (0a9e589 )
Update cdn fields in package.json (59f5d4a )
Got all tests to pass (30c3939 )
Got more tests to pass (0c3cb94 )
Got more tests to pass (d9e5780 )
Got more tests to pass (92fbd55 )
Got more tests to pass (6c99255 )
Got more tests to pass (bf01ca8 )
Got many tests to pass (f22d852 )
Migrate all remaining imports (1334113 )
Use imports rather than reorder.XYZ (6b27627 )
Migrate utils.js (457cb99 )
Migrate transpose.js (70164b9 )
Migrate sum.js (c1bfee1 )
Migrate stablepermute.js (1407525 )
Migrate spectral_order.js (2e0d420 )
Migrate sort_order.js (a984523 )
Migrate range.js (136e064 )
Migrate poweriteration.js (7cd144e )
Migrate permute.js (e94479e )
Migrate permutation.js (8a17cb7 )
Migrate pcp.js (a1fafcd )
Migrate pca_order.js (23fe478 )
Migrate order.js (8a273e0 )
Migrate optimal_leaf_order.js (9460bac )
Migrate mean.js (1cab3e3 )
Migrate mat2graph.js (be150e7 )
Migrate laplacian.js (69b20a7 )
Migrate intersect.js (e576b5e )
Migrate hcluster.js (3bce5e3 )
Migrate graph_random.js (33428fb )
Migrate graph_empty.js (e302336 )
Migrate graph_connect.js (a771a5d )
Migrate graph_complete.js (9a94aaf )
Migrate graph2mat.js (dbc3096 )
Migrate graph2distmat.js (88d537c )
Migrate graph.js (19cad7d )
Migrate fiedler.js (9d127cc )
Migrate edgesum.js (b0afecb )
Migrate distance.js (abeac3f )
Migrate dist.js (1075140 )
Migrate debug.js (26b671e )
Migrate cuthill_mckee_order.js (e2f8a26 )
Migrate covariance.js (927d5c0 )
Migrate count_crossings.js (e5e9d1a )
Migrate correlation.js (60f21e7 )
Migrate core.js (2ecf9c0 )
Migrate condition.js (5b579bb )
Migrate ca.js (7ed5c36 )
Migrate bfs_order.js (2c22372 )
Migrate bfs.js (9e88136 )
Migrate barycenter_order.js (65489de )
Migrate bandwidth (2092abf )
Migrate all_pairs_distance (0a8a8c3 )
Migrate aliases.js (c2ed05a )
First stab at using Rollup. (ccb1d76 )
fix except function that was relying on an obsolete sort library (8c9d325 )
Merge pull request #6 from jdfekete/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/lodash-4.17.19 (c70d2bd )
Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 (ce9e029 )
fix security advisory (f82dc26 )
change version to 1.0.7 (ade7982 )
add package.json (f97f2a4 )
add declaration of distance (d51dda9 )
bump to v1.0.4 (23e7b82 )
Merge branch 'master' of (5912b09 )
fix ts declarations (03b5f62 )
Merge pull request #4 from zfrenchee/patch-1 (8e18dde )
bugfix in pca_order (5db1544 )
fix typescript decl (b700fb7 )
Put js file in repo (a1e423b )
Switch to 1.0.3 (e66a714 )
add declaration for typescript (82a99d0 )
move to version 1.0.3 (0715558 )
Prepare for new release (6cf2f2c )
Start 1.0.2 (95b0b0e )
Add sort_order_descending (d493442 )
updating test to pass an actual similarity matrix to bar-joseph ordering (ca9087b )
actually maximizing similarity (3ef1c8c )
starting to setup bower (53e1bde )
Merge branch 'master' of (e13cf85 )
add package numeric for test (975f7f9 )
forgot to bump version to 1.0, so now bump to 1.0.1 (bac8631 )
forgot to bump version to 1.0, so now bump to 1.0.1 (54d9360 )
add .npmignore (e904b24 )
add numeric dev-dependency (4af047f )
Improve a bit (92c024d )
fix jslint errors (7dca94a )
fix todo (241c881 )
cleanup and bump to 0.0.8 (5b53de5 )
prepare to check distances (89b0f48 )
add test (d1a299f )
pass test(s) (c063faf )
added reciprocal averaging which seems to work. More tests are needed (ac40b54 )
try to fix ca but not done yet (8b4112e )
trying test (1867e36 )
finish ca, should test (4f7b45c )
add convenience function for parcoords (9c6748f )
car example works (fe841a4 )
improving and adding an icon (fbe2e45 )
adding car pcp example (6d532e2 )
add pcp management (d90406c )
debug pearson correlation (6bd01c9 )
fix new names (7c1f046 )
add edgesum measure (99931c9 )
add edgesum measure (1f9ccca )
Start conditioning (a9991bd )
fix (4ea1a95 )
fix (9888597 )
improve/fix (fa6b763 )
clanup (a3381f7 )
show using canvas (3c43850 )
example of table reordering (55b68a3 )
add examples for table reordering (f79eddc )
start adding doc (1a7b2a2 )
add permute_inplace and tests (c30611e )
add permute_inplace and tests (56bcd8c )
fix init error (aebde71 )
clean with jshint (5d3b454 )
clean with jshint (1a0c162 )
towards reorder.js v0.1.0 (afdfbb2 )
cleanup names and return values (7dedc84 )
bump to version 0.0.7 (e156199 )
changed todo (6b4ce54 )
added spectral order (dc3349a )
fix power iteration and fiedler vector computation (3e52eb3 )
continue laplacian (7327ead )
add fiedler vector computation (0488ec9 )
implement generalized power iteration, not tested yet (8390340 )
avoid creating a "median" field in the node structure (683ca57 )
change max to min in leaforder (a162839 )
Add things to do (42736ff )
replace sym with dist in leaforder (3a8558d )
reference the reorder.js library (6e02e88 )
Point to Renaud's page (e3e9ec1 )
improve examples (05cde45 )
improve examples (7696880 )
improve example and add ref to Blanch's code. (e4b9e41 )
bump to version 0.0.6 (a9e16ec )
bump to v0.0.5 (2836842 )
added adjacent_exchange pass for barycenter heuristic (11e711b )
trying to optimize crossings but not working yet (d45eb01 )
update TODO list (9be1c95 )
Release 0.0.5 (aadd03c )
preparing for next release (2275e48 )
works (bd3bcf0 )
working on dist matrix ordering, not quite ready yet (508c09b )
compute order the first time it is selecte (543f721 )
cleanup to prepare reorder based on distance matrix for graphs (4bb92e4 )
update new version (98ddef7 )
bump to 0.0.4 (7edf2b9 )
prepare to push as npm package (5b4d2f8 )
updated TODO (a38714a )
added option to examples (e72109c )
added cuthill_mckee and utils (c58e45e )
added cuthill_mckee and utils (257efd6 )
tests pass (50340d9 )
barycenter returns the configuration with lowest crossings (9d92de5 )
fix caused by Array.sort not sorting by number by default (592273a )
include barycenter in examples (a496826 )
fixing count_crossings (068c1f7 )
fix barycenter (4693561 )
started debugging barycenter.js (028474a )
fixing bugs (c6b0b6f )
improve to support directed graphs (1b9e8fb )
graph2mat and random graph added (636f4b5 )
start mat2graph (51dc3a3 )
bump to newer versions of npm packages (c554a79 )
add connected components computation in graph (d3e6991 )
inc version (80f2c35 )
fix initialization of hcluster, linkage used the invalid "simple" keyworkd (thanks to Anselm Spoerri for spotting it) (0b87310 )
newer version (829d77c )
cleanup (f2be93b )
cleanup (3c1514c )
initial release (18ff582 )
Initial commit (403c290 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.