Fix release-it (7b990f8 )
Merge pull request #40 from nvbeusekom/simul_integration (bfe8314 )
prepare for merge (cfa34d2 )
Remove editor files and gitignore line (e5885b6 )
Fix NN-2OPT bugs (9f8fe3f )
Changes to generate poster images (a442807 )
fix again (f68d7ee )
fix audit pb (1bceb52 )
security fixes and add docs (28d506d )
fix issue and thank Nathan (a52042d )
fix distances and add tests (0e7607b )
remove nbproject (197d8c5 )
fix indent (4ab7e0c )
Merge branch 'nvbeusekom-simul_integration' (17fab99 )
Fixes and indent (d531b93 )
Update .gitignore (ccd41f9 )
remove debugger statement (0f28c2d )
Consider Barycenter layers equal for undirected graphs (6c246d0 )
dont use d3 median (30345a2 )
adding tests (404a0ea )
change var to let (f1f31df )
finalize barycenter (3fc3d1f )
add nn2opt, mult barycenter and example (960f806 )
Added (not yet clean) example (41311c3 )
fix union test typo (e20f884 )
Fix test file naming (d7944ab )
Implement union and mult_dist (fb0c7f9 )
Adding Morans I and Morans I based distance, and Morans I test (fb178ef )
Merge pull request #36 from jdfekete/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/node-fetch-2.6.7 (d81db29 )
fix alerts (54e004e )
Bump node-fetch from 2.6.1 to 2.6.7 (6efe7d5 )
Merge pull request #34 from jdfekete/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/minimist-1.2.6 (efd9566 )
Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 (236b16c )
fix alerts (3d36d08 )
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