This repository implements solutions to the puzzles in the 2018 Advent of Code using Ruby.
The solutions are organised predominantly for comprehension. They strive to arrive at an answer in a reasonable period of time, but they typically prioritise optimal understanding over optimal performance.
The examples are representative of my thinking and coding style.
The project requires ruby 3.3.3
, but any reasonably current version of
Ruby will likely work. I tend to code done the middle of any language
If you use an Ruby manager that responds to .tool-versions
, you should
be switched to correct version automatically. I recommend ASDF
for those on platforms that support it.
The project installs like any simple Rails application.
$ git clone
$ cd aoc-2018-ruby
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake db:create
$ bundle exec rails s
Then open a browser to http://localhost:3000
The solutions are organized in dayNN
folders in the app/models
Runner classes are designed to be called from the rails console via one of three public methods:
runs the solution to the first puzzle;p2
runs the solution to the second puzzle;both
runs both solutions.
For example, to run the complete--and super fun--solution for Day10:
$ bundle exec rails console
> Day10::Runner.both
The only tests are a set of checks to verify solved puzzles.
I often refactor my solutions for clarity (or as I learn new techniques in subsequent puzzles), so it is helpful to have these simple tests to give my refactors some confidence.
To execute the tests, simply execute the following command in your terminal from the project root.
$ bundle exec test