- install docker and all the shabang
clone this repository
docker build <path/to/Dockerfile-directory> -t <docker_image_name>
- docker run -it -d --privileged -p 8080:8080 -p 6901:6901 -p 5901:5901 -v <your_local_workspace_dir>:/workspace -v /dev:/dev <docker_image_name>
- docker run -it -d --privileged -p 8080:8080 -p 6901:6901 -p 5901:5901 -v <your_local_workspace_dir>:/workspace -v /dev:/dev jeanlego/os2_cs_unb
I've updated Ken makefile so that it can do the following for you automaticaly
make all //build the kernel from the source and run in qemu
make clean //clean the directory
make test //build the kernel and run in qemu
make debug //build the kernel and run in qemu using gdb, stops at BRK macro (in common.h)
I've provided you with the base image Ken provided us with.
you can connect to your web IDE via http://localhost:8080
you can connect to your web desktop via http://localhost:6901
you can connect to your x11 desktop via vnc client through port 5901
user: root
pass: letmein
PS. you can use --restart=always if you want the image to keep on booting with your machine
PPS. You can overwrite some or all of the default values for Cloud9 username, Cloud9 and VNC password, and Cloud9 root folder; with the following options: -e "USERNAME=" -e "PASSWORD=" -e "CLOUD9_ROOT_FOLDER=<path in the docker image file system you want to mount to (e.g. /workspace or /)>"