some features:
- Its editor (which is based on the wonderful library "scintilla", is lightweight and powerful.
- Has additional features such as "syntax highlighting", "code folding" and "code completion" based on the used language API.
- Includes the capability to connect with the real hardware (through the serial or the USB port) obtaining the console of the Target inside it.
- It's able to run the .py file on the Hardware (using the raw REPL interface).
- It's able to send the .lua/.lc file on the Hardware (using the XMODEM protocol).
- Supports some terminal commands (standard ansi/vt100), so it's able to play games like "hanoi" or "hungman".
- Supports the FLASH (on the target) programming through the DFU/Arduino boot loader.
- Supports easily the "libusb" through Lua scripts (experimental).
- It's easily extensible through Lua scripts.
- MicroPython
- eLua
- Arduino (experimental) the installation of the "Arduino IDE 1.0" is required.
- Be sure we have the package "libgtk+2.0" installed:
- $ sudo apt-get install libgtk+2.0
- In order to support the "libluausb" (experimental) the libusb1.0 library is required:
- $ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0
- $ cd $HOME
- $ git clone git://
- $ cd Goat-IDE
- $ cd scintilla/gtk
- $ make all
- $ cd $HOME/Goat-IDE/Goat
- $ make all
- $ sudo make uninstall (if isn't the first installation)
- $ sudo make install
- Download it from here:
- Install as a Windows application and run it.
- Install the "Mingw/Msys" packages:
- Launch the setup "mingw-get-inst-xxxxxxxx.exe" and choice the "Download latest repository catalogues"
- Selecting following components: C and C++ compilers, "MSYS Basic System" and
- "Mingw Developer ToolKit".
- Donwnload Go@ sources from here:
- Now unzip sources inside a directory for example inside the c:\temp directory
- Open the mingw shell and go on sources directory:
- $ cd /c/temp/nuraci-Goat-IDE-xxxxxxx
- Build the scintilla library:
- $ cd /c/temp/nuraci-Goat-IDE-xxxxxxx/scintilla/win32
- $ make
- Build Goat:
- $ cd /c/temp/nuraci-Goat-IDE-xxxxxxx/Goat/win32
- $ make
- Copy runtime libraries:
- $ cp /mingw/bin/libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll /c/temp/nuraci-Goat-IDE-xxxxxxx/Goat/bin/
- $ cp /mingw/bin/libstdc++-6.dll /c/temp/nuraci-Goat-IDE-xxxxxxx/Goat/bin/
- Launch the Go@ editor:
- Use the windows explorer, localise Goat.exe and double click on it.
- If your Linux is "Ubuntu" you can find "Goat" on menu: applications for development
- Then after you have connected one target board, please set the serial port name on Goat, using the menu: "Options" -> ""Open User Options File", and put this line inside it:
- serial.port="port"
- some examples, Windows: serial.port=COM6, Linux: serial.port=/dev/ttyACM0
- save the "" (Windows) or the "" (Linux) file
- After each change to the settings, you need to exit and reopen Goat again...
- Now you should have the target prompt on the "Target Console" window.
- Well, try to use the menu: "Open Example" and load some program (eg. or hello.lua)
- The last step, press "F5" or menu "Tools" -> "Run" will send the program directly on memory of the target board and will run it.
- Try it and please report problems and suggestions.
(*) just a note, some examples ("hanoi" and "hungman") requiring a special configuration of the "Target Console" window, so don't forget to select the menu: "Tools" -> "Mode Terminal".
Enjoy with the "Go @ IDE" and thank you for testing, improving and leaving your feedback for it.
- the micropython firmware for the pyb board is here:
- the "firmware.bin", useful to install MP on the "Nucleo STM32F401" is available here:
Target boards that running eLua firmware should be built using some optional modules:
#define BUILD_TERM
Goat for windows will install a directory "usb-driver" here: "C:\Program Files (x86)\The Go @ IDE\usb-driver" which contains:
a) the eLua Windows driver of the USB UART (...\dfu-driver directory).
b) the Windows driver of the DFU Programmer (...\uart-driver directory).