User: Alexa, open Heads or Tails.
Alexa: Welcome to Heads or Tails. Say FLIP to start, or HELP for how to play.
User: Flip.
Alexa: Okay, the coin is in the air. What's your call? Heads? Or Tails?
User: Heads
Alexa: Correct! Here we go: What's your call? Heads or Tails?
User: Tails
Alexa: Sorry, the coin came up heads. You got 3 in a row, and that's a high score this round.
Configure Nodejs:
nvm use
Setup environment:
vim .env
Install Dependencies:
Build for debugging:
yarn run debug
Open VS Code:
code .
Download and edit skill:
- Alexa Skills Toolkit -> Skills Management -> Download and edit skill -> Heads or Tails
Run debugger:
- Press
Open the simulator or run the ask dialog
ask dialog \
--profile rulez \
--locale en-US