Simple scripts to break-up a large rectangular geographic area into smaller 25-mile square bounding boxes.
- All lat/longs are in decimal degrees.
- Code starts with the southwest corner. Marches east, then moves up a row and repeats.
- By default, produces a set of JSON bounding boxes: bounding_box:[west_long south_lat east_long north_lat].
- Optionally, it can produce a simple format for direct entry into the Gnip Dashboard.
Currently this script is available in Ruby and Python.
The [Python code] (https://github.com/jimmoffitt/bounding-boxes/tree/master/pyBoundingBoxes) represents an early prototype design.
The [Ruby code] (https://github.com/jimmoffitt/bounding-boxes/tree/master/rbBoundingBoxes) has been extended with additional features:
- Supports Gnip Profile Geo profile_bounding_box Operator.
- Enables a business rules 'element' that can be ANDed with produced geo rules.
- ORs together bounding box up to 1024 characters. These rules written in an atomic nature with surrounding parentheses.
- Enables a character buffer to be specified so space can be reserved for future rule elements.