import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
All URIs are relative to http://localhost
Method | HTTP request | Description |
deleteCustomSplashscreen | DELETE /Branding/Splashscreen | Delete a custom splashscreen. |
deleteItemImage | DELETE /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType} | Delete an item's image. |
deleteItemImageByIndex | DELETE /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Delete an item's image. |
deleteUserImage | DELETE /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType} | Delete the user's image. |
deleteUserImageByIndex | DELETE /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType}/{index} | Delete the user's image. |
getArtistImage | GET /Artists/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Get artist image by name. |
getGenreImage | GET /Genres/{name}/Images/{imageType} | Get genre image by name. |
getGenreImageByIndex | GET /Genres/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Get genre image by name. |
getItemImage | GET /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType} | Gets the item's image. |
getItemImage2 | GET /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex}/{tag}/{format}/{maxWidth}/{maxHeight}/{percentPlayed}/{unplayedCount} | Gets the item's image. |
getItemImageByIndex | GET /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Gets the item's image. |
getItemImageInfos | GET /Items/{itemId}/Images | Get item image infos. |
getMusicGenreImage | GET /MusicGenres/{name}/Images/{imageType} | Get music genre image by name. |
getMusicGenreImageByIndex | GET /MusicGenres/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Get music genre image by name. |
getPersonImage | GET /Persons/{name}/Images/{imageType} | Get person image by name. |
getPersonImageByIndex | GET /Persons/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Get person image by name. |
getSplashscreen | GET /Branding/Splashscreen | Generates or gets the splashscreen. |
getStudioImage | GET /Studios/{name}/Images/{imageType} | Get studio image by name. |
getStudioImageByIndex | GET /Studios/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Get studio image by name. |
getUserImage | GET /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType} | Get user profile image. |
getUserImageByIndex | GET /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Get user profile image. |
headArtistImage | HEAD /Artists/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Get artist image by name. |
headGenreImage | HEAD /Genres/{name}/Images/{imageType} | Get genre image by name. |
headGenreImageByIndex | HEAD /Genres/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Get genre image by name. |
headItemImage | HEAD /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType} | Gets the item's image. |
headItemImage2 | HEAD /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex}/{tag}/{format}/{maxWidth}/{maxHeight}/{percentPlayed}/{unplayedCount} | Gets the item's image. |
headItemImageByIndex | HEAD /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Gets the item's image. |
headMusicGenreImage | HEAD /MusicGenres/{name}/Images/{imageType} | Get music genre image by name. |
headMusicGenreImageByIndex | HEAD /MusicGenres/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Get music genre image by name. |
headPersonImage | HEAD /Persons/{name}/Images/{imageType} | Get person image by name. |
headPersonImageByIndex | HEAD /Persons/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Get person image by name. |
headStudioImage | HEAD /Studios/{name}/Images/{imageType} | Get studio image by name. |
headStudioImageByIndex | HEAD /Studios/{name}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Get studio image by name. |
headUserImage | HEAD /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType} | Get user profile image. |
headUserImageByIndex | HEAD /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Get user profile image. |
postUserImage | POST /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType} | Sets the user image. |
postUserImageByIndex | POST /Users/{userId}/Images/{imageType}/{index} | Sets the user image. |
setItemImage | POST /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType} | Set item image. |
setItemImageByIndex | POST /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex} | Set item image. |
updateItemImageIndex | POST /Items/{itemId}/Images/{imageType}/{imageIndex}/Index | Updates the index for an item image. |
uploadCustomSplashscreen | POST /Branding/Splashscreen | Uploads a custom splashscreen. The body is expected to the image contents base64 encoded. |
Delete a custom splashscreen.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: CustomAuthentication
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
try {
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->deleteCustomSplashscreen: $e\n');
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: Not defined
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deleteItemImage(itemId, imageType, imageIndex)
Delete an item's image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: CustomAuthentication
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String itemId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | Item id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | The image index.
try {
api.deleteItemImage(itemId, imageType, imageIndex);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->deleteItemImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
itemId | String | Item id. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | The image index. | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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deleteItemImageByIndex(itemId, imageType, imageIndex)
Delete an item's image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: CustomAuthentication
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String itemId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | Item id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | The image index.
try {
api.deleteItemImageByIndex(itemId, imageType, imageIndex);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->deleteItemImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
itemId | String | Item id. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | The image index. |
void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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deleteUserImage(userId, imageType, index)
Delete the user's image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: CustomAuthentication
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String userId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | User Id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | (Unused) Image type.
final int index = 56; // int | (Unused) Image index.
try {
api.deleteUserImage(userId, imageType, index);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->deleteUserImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | String | User Id. | |
imageType | ImageType | (Unused) Image type. | |
index | int | (Unused) Image index. | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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deleteUserImageByIndex(userId, imageType, index)
Delete the user's image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: CustomAuthentication
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String userId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | User Id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | (Unused) Image type.
final int index = 56; // int | (Unused) Image index.
try {
api.deleteUserImageByIndex(userId, imageType, index);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->deleteUserImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | String | User Id. | |
imageType | ImageType | (Unused) Image type. | |
index | int | (Unused) Image index. |
void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
Uint8List getArtistImage(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Get artist image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Artist name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.getArtistImage(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getArtistImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Artist name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
Uint8List getGenreImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex)
Get genre image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Genre name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
try {
final response = api.getGenreImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getGenreImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Genre name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
Uint8List getGenreImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Get genre image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Genre name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.getGenreImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getGenreImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Genre name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List getItemImage(itemId, imageType, maxWidth, maxHeight, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, tag, cropWhitespace, format, addPlayedIndicator, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex)
Gets the item's image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String itemId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | Item id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageFormat of the returned image.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
try {
final response = api.getItemImage(itemId, imageType, maxWidth, maxHeight, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, tag, cropWhitespace, format, addPlayedIndicator, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getItemImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
itemId | String | Item id. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageFormat of the returned image. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List getItemImage2(itemId, imageType, maxWidth, maxHeight, tag, format, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, imageIndex, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Gets the item's image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String itemId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | Item id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.getItemImage2(itemId, imageType, maxWidth, maxHeight, tag, format, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, imageIndex, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getItemImage2: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
itemId | String | Item id. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List getItemImageByIndex(itemId, imageType, imageIndex, maxWidth, maxHeight, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, tag, cropWhitespace, format, addPlayedIndicator, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Gets the item's image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String itemId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | Item id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageFormat of the returned image.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.getItemImageByIndex(itemId, imageType, imageIndex, maxWidth, maxHeight, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, tag, cropWhitespace, format, addPlayedIndicator, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getItemImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
itemId | String | Item id. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageFormat of the returned image. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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BuiltList getItemImageInfos(itemId)
Get item image infos.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: CustomAuthentication
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String itemId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | Item id.
try {
final response = api.getItemImageInfos(itemId);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getItemImageInfos: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
itemId | String | Item id. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List getMusicGenreImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex)
Get music genre image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Music genre name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
try {
final response = api.getMusicGenreImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getMusicGenreImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Music genre name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List getMusicGenreImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Get music genre image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Music genre name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.getMusicGenreImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getMusicGenreImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Music genre name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List getPersonImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex)
Get person image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Person name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
try {
final response = api.getPersonImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getPersonImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Person name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List getPersonImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Get person image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Person name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.getPersonImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getPersonImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Person name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List getSplashscreen(tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, width, height, fillWidth, fillHeight, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, quality)
Generates or gets the splashscreen.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final int blur = 56; // int | Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
final int quality = 56; // int | Quality setting, from 0-100.
try {
final response = api.getSplashscreen(tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, width, height, fillWidth, fillHeight, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, quality);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getSplashscreen: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
tag | String | Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
blur | int | Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
quality | int | Quality setting, from 0-100. | [optional] [default to 90] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*
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Uint8List getStudioImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex)
Get studio image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Studio name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
try {
final response = api.getStudioImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getStudioImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Studio name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List getStudioImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Get studio image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Studio name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.getStudioImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getStudioImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Studio name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List getUserImage(userId, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex)
Get user profile image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String userId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | User id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
try {
final response = api.getUserImage(userId, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getUserImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | String | User id. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
Uint8List getUserImageByIndex(userId, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Get user profile image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String userId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | User id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.getUserImageByIndex(userId, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->getUserImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | String | User id. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
Uint8List headArtistImage(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Get artist image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Artist name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.headArtistImage(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->headArtistImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Artist name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List headGenreImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex)
Get genre image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Genre name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
try {
final response = api.headGenreImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->headGenreImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Genre name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
Uint8List headGenreImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Get genre image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Genre name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.headGenreImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->headGenreImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Genre name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List headItemImage(itemId, imageType, maxWidth, maxHeight, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, tag, cropWhitespace, format, addPlayedIndicator, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex)
Gets the item's image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String itemId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | Item id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageFormat of the returned image.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
try {
final response = api.headItemImage(itemId, imageType, maxWidth, maxHeight, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, tag, cropWhitespace, format, addPlayedIndicator, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->headItemImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
itemId | String | Item id. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageFormat of the returned image. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List headItemImage2(itemId, imageType, maxWidth, maxHeight, tag, format, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, imageIndex, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Gets the item's image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String itemId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | Item id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.headItemImage2(itemId, imageType, maxWidth, maxHeight, tag, format, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, imageIndex, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->headItemImage2: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
itemId | String | Item id. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
Uint8List headItemImageByIndex(itemId, imageType, imageIndex, maxWidth, maxHeight, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, tag, cropWhitespace, format, addPlayedIndicator, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Gets the item's image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String itemId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | Item id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageFormat of the returned image.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.headItemImageByIndex(itemId, imageType, imageIndex, maxWidth, maxHeight, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, tag, cropWhitespace, format, addPlayedIndicator, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->headItemImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
itemId | String | Item id. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Optional. The MediaBrowser.Model.Drawing.ImageFormat of the returned image. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
Uint8List headMusicGenreImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex)
Get music genre image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Music genre name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
try {
final response = api.headMusicGenreImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->headMusicGenreImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Music genre name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
Uint8List headMusicGenreImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Get music genre image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Music genre name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.headMusicGenreImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->headMusicGenreImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Music genre name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
Uint8List headPersonImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex)
Get person image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Person name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
try {
final response = api.headPersonImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->headPersonImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Person name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
Uint8List headPersonImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Get person image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Person name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.headPersonImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->headPersonImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Person name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
Uint8List headStudioImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex)
Get studio image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Studio name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
try {
final response = api.headStudioImage(name, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->headStudioImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Studio name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List headStudioImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Get studio image by name.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String name = name_example; // String | Studio name.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.headStudioImageByIndex(name, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->headStudioImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | String | Studio name. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List headUserImage(userId, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex)
Get user profile image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String userId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | User id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
try {
final response = api.headUserImage(userId, imageType, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer, imageIndex);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->headUserImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | String | User id. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uint8List headUserImageByIndex(userId, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer)
Get user profile image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String userId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | User id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Image index.
final String tag = tag_example; // String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers.
final ImageFormat format = ; // ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png.
final int maxWidth = 56; // int | The maximum image width to return.
final int maxHeight = 56; // int | The maximum image height to return.
final double percentPlayed = 1.2; // double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay.
final int unplayedCount = 56; // int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render.
final int width = 56; // int | The fixed image width to return.
final int height = 56; // int | The fixed image height to return.
final int quality = 56; // int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases.
final int fillWidth = 56; // int | Width of box to fill.
final int fillHeight = 56; // int | Height of box to fill.
final bool cropWhitespace = true; // bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art.
final bool addPlayedIndicator = true; // bool | Optional. Add a played indicator.
final int blur = 56; // int | Optional. Blur image.
final String backgroundColor = backgroundColor_example; // String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images.
final String foregroundLayer = foregroundLayer_example; // String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image.
try {
final response = api.headUserImageByIndex(userId, imageType, imageIndex, tag, format, maxWidth, maxHeight, percentPlayed, unplayedCount, width, height, quality, fillWidth, fillHeight, cropWhitespace, addPlayedIndicator, blur, backgroundColor, foregroundLayer);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->headUserImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | String | User id. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | Image index. | |
tag | String | Optional. Supply the cache tag from the item object to receive strong caching headers. | [optional] |
format | ImageFormat | Determines the output format of the image - original,gif,jpg,png. | [optional] |
maxWidth | int | The maximum image width to return. | [optional] |
maxHeight | int | The maximum image height to return. | [optional] |
percentPlayed | double | Optional. Percent to render for the percent played overlay. | [optional] |
unplayedCount | int | Optional. Unplayed count overlay to render. | [optional] |
width | int | The fixed image width to return. | [optional] |
height | int | The fixed image height to return. | [optional] |
quality | int | Optional. Quality setting, from 0-100. Defaults to 90 and should suffice in most cases. | [optional] |
fillWidth | int | Width of box to fill. | [optional] |
fillHeight | int | Height of box to fill. | [optional] |
cropWhitespace | bool | Optional. Specify if whitespace should be cropped out of the image. True/False. If unspecified, whitespace will be cropped from logos and clear art. | [optional] |
addPlayedIndicator | bool | Optional. Add a played indicator. | [optional] |
blur | int | Optional. Blur image. | [optional] |
backgroundColor | String | Optional. Apply a background color for transparent images. | [optional] |
foregroundLayer | String | Optional. Apply a foreground layer on top of the image. | [optional] |
No authorization required
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: image/*, application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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postUserImage(userId, imageType, index, body)
Sets the user image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: CustomAuthentication
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String userId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | User Id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | (Unused) Image type.
final int index = 56; // int | (Unused) Image index.
final MultipartFile body = BINARY_DATA_HERE; // MultipartFile |
try {
api.postUserImage(userId, imageType, index, body);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->postUserImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | String | User Id. | |
imageType | ImageType | (Unused) Image type. | |
index | int | (Unused) Image index. | [optional] |
body | MultipartFile | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: image/*
- Accept: application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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postUserImageByIndex(userId, imageType, index, body)
Sets the user image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: CustomAuthentication
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String userId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | User Id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | (Unused) Image type.
final int index = 56; // int | (Unused) Image index.
final MultipartFile body = BINARY_DATA_HERE; // MultipartFile |
try {
api.postUserImageByIndex(userId, imageType, index, body);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->postUserImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | String | User Id. | |
imageType | ImageType | (Unused) Image type. | |
index | int | (Unused) Image index. | |
body | MultipartFile | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: image/*
- Accept: application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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setItemImage(itemId, imageType, body)
Set item image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: CustomAuthentication
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String itemId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | Item id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final MultipartFile body = BINARY_DATA_HERE; // MultipartFile |
try {
api.setItemImage(itemId, imageType, body);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->setItemImage: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
itemId | String | Item id. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
body | MultipartFile | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: image/*
- Accept: application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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setItemImageByIndex(itemId, imageType, imageIndex, body)
Set item image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: CustomAuthentication
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String itemId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | Item id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | (Unused) Image index.
final MultipartFile body = BINARY_DATA_HERE; // MultipartFile |
try {
api.setItemImageByIndex(itemId, imageType, imageIndex, body);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->setItemImageByIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
itemId | String | Item id. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | (Unused) Image index. | |
body | MultipartFile | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: image/*
- Accept: application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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updateItemImageIndex(itemId, imageType, imageIndex, newIndex)
Updates the index for an item image.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: CustomAuthentication
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final String itemId = 38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d; // String | Item id.
final ImageType imageType = ; // ImageType | Image type.
final int imageIndex = 56; // int | Old image index.
final int newIndex = 56; // int | New image index.
try {
api.updateItemImageIndex(itemId, imageType, imageIndex, newIndex);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->updateItemImageIndex: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
itemId | String | Item id. | |
imageType | ImageType | Image type. | |
imageIndex | int | Old image index. | |
newIndex | int | New image index. |
void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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Uploads a custom splashscreen. The body is expected to the image contents base64 encoded.
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
// TODO Configure API key authorization: CustomAuthentication
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('CustomAuthentication').apiKeyPrefix = 'Bearer';
final api = Openapi().getImageApi();
final MultipartFile body = BINARY_DATA_HERE; // MultipartFile |
try {
} catch on DioException (e) {
print('Exception when calling ImageApi->uploadCustomSplashscreen: $e\n');
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
body | MultipartFile | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: image/*
- Accept: application/json, application/json; profile=CamelCase, application/json; profile=PascalCase
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