What's Changed
- Update readme by @MatthewErispe in #135
- general cleanup by @w-hayes in #136
- Implement and refactor import component form by @issambaccouch in #126
- Jempi base windows by @w-hayes in #133
- Jmpi 733 hotfix build jempi UI by @issambaccouch in #134
- Dev windows by @w-hayes in #139
- Dev ground truth by @w-hayes in #141
- JeMPI Bootstrapper app by @walisc in #140
- fix: create and link records not working by @issambaccouch in #142
- Jmpi 702 implementing jempi dashboard by @issambaccouch in #121
- chore: update browser list db by @issambaccouch in #144
- cleaned up scripts by @w-hayes in #145
- Jempi base keycloak login UI updates by @walisc in #127
- Keycloak: Adding backend functionality to JeMPI to allow for Keycloak authentication by @walisc in #132
- Jmpi 776 update dev build and keycloak env by @issambaccouch in #152
- Jmpi 761 update browse component by @issambaccouch in #146
- Jmpi 783 fix UI cli warnings by @issambaccouch in #154
- Ensuring keycloak (and api_kc) use haproxy by @walisc in #150
- chore: hide browse search by @issambaccouch in #158
- Jmpi 784 implement csv import dashboard widget prototyping by @issambaccouch in #159
- JMPI-742-update-notification-component by @issambaccouch in #137
- dev java 21 by @w-hayes in #165
- Dockerizing the bootstrapper app by @walisc in #160
- M and U tally and JeMPI Dashboard by @walisc in #167
- Updating docker stack to include new kafka properties by @walisc in #168
- Small performance improvements to the tally methods by @walisc in #169
- Dev delay linking by @w-hayes in #171
- Automation Script with different set of scripts by @sushantpatil1214 in #170
- Dev update config tool by @w-hayes in #172
- Added new copy of stack scripts inside deployment folder. by @sushantpatil1214 in #173
- update-config-tool by @w-hayes in #175
- Added Backup restore Scripts by @sushantpatil1214 in #174
- Updated readme.md by @harmonytke in #177
- added action column to table by @NyashaMuusha in #183
- Updating CI workflow (Deploying docker images to docker hub) by @walisc in #179
- Linking new golden record fixed by @harmochiky in #190
- Added Automation script for windows installation by @sushantpatil1214 in #188
- Added extension by @sushantpatil1214 in #193
- Jmpi disable new golden record button by @NyashaMuusha in #192
- Updating the matching/linking rules syntax to support null, and repeated variable names by @walisc in #184
- Dev extended em by @w-hayes in #195
- Dev extended em by @w-hayes in #196
- change deterministic linking to use the interaction for the null(xxx)… by @w-hayes in #197
- Updating indexes before linking, and after linking by @walisc in #194
- Dev log i'm a tea pot http responses by @w-hayes in #199
- Jmpi add matching rule to audit trail by @NyashaMuusha in #187
- Dev new config by @w-hayes in #204
- disable match streaming by @w-hayes in #205
- Dev catch json marshalling errors and fix cr-find error handler by @w-hayes in #207
- Jmpi-bug-open-closed-notifications-filter-does-not-work-properly by @NyashaMuusha in #208
- Fix cr-candidates by @MatthewErispe in #209
- Jmpi bug notification screen pointing to deleted golden record by @NyashaMuusha in #203
- clean link match streams & add new cr-link-update api by @w-hayes in #210
- Dev link by sourceid by @w-hayes in #211
- Enhanced UI build and deployment procedures. by @sushantpatil1214 in #213
- refactor Route.java & fix dn-app script by @w-hayes in #215
- Jmpi optimise check patient count on dashboard by @NyashaMuusha in #212
- CU-86by67erq - Update all methods to camelCase by @sushantpatil1214 in #217
- fix teapot responses by @w-hayes in #221
- Jmpi-disappearing-details-on-record-double-open by @NyashaMuusha in #218
- Jmpi-disabled-on-click-for-closed-notifications by @NyashaMuusha in #220
- Jmpi feature import csv configure by @harmochiky in #206
- Jmpi-update-method-types-in-front-end-UI by @NyashaMuusha in #223
- Change all API methods to POST request by @sushantpatil1214 in #222
New Contributors
- @sushantpatil1214 made their first contribution in #170
- @harmonytke made their first contribution in #177
- @NyashaMuusha made their first contribution in #183
- @harmochiky made their first contribution in #190
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-beta1...1.0.1-beta