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Contributing to the Ruby Runtime Plugin

nikki-rally edited this page Mar 11, 2015 · 1 revision


The jenkins.rb repo aggregates everything needed for the ruby-runtime plugin to work and tools needed to develop ruby plugins for Jenkins. This code used to be located in other separate repos, but has now been aggregated here.

The jenkins.rb ( ruby-runtime plugin ) repo is split into three parts: java-runtime, ruby-runtime, and ruby-tools.

The java-runtime provides the java classes that Jenkins needs to interface with provided ruby classes. The ruby-runtime provides the ruby classes that abstract common logic for interfacing with the java-runtime classes. The ruby-tools provides the cli and jpi tools for interfacing with Jenkins and building Jenkins plugins.

Getting the Code

Use git clone to clone this repo to a local dev directory. For this document we will call this directory [dev-jenkins-rb]


  1. Navigate to the root directory of the project [dev-jenkins-rb]
  2. Make any desired changes to the code.
  3. Enter mvn package in the root directory [dev-jenkins-rb]
  4. The ruby-runtime plugin will be packaged into [dev-jenkins-rb/java-runtime/target/ruby-runtime.hpi]