The way you can use your local ADB within Termux in your Android:
Step 1: Connect your Android device with your PC via USB port
Step 2: Type command in ADB of PC side
adb tcpip 5555
adb connect <your Android IP>:5555
adb disconnect <your Android IP>:5555
Step 3:
Type command in ADB of Android side(Install android-tools first)
Shutdown USB debugging mode in case emulator-5554 showing
adb connect localhost:5555
The way you can access your Termux in your Android:
Step 1:
Modify following parameter in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
in your VPS
GatewayPorts yes
(Default is no)
And restart sshd
service ssh restart
Step 2:
Run following command in your local PC (We can name it PC A)
Run sshd
first if Android restart
ssh -R <your-want-to-expose-port>:localhost:<your-SSH-port or other-application-port> -N <your-vps-login-name>@<your-vps-public-IP>
ssh -R 1234:localhost:22 -N [email protected]
May need input your vps user password
Step 3: Connect to PC A with any SSH client in PC B as following input:
(You may need apply for one)
User:PC A user
Password: PC A SSH password
Here we go!