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Gnip rule validator Join the chat at Build Status Maven Central

This is a Gnip rule validator that parser Gnip rules using the the FastParse library. It's useful to validate the syntax of Gnip rules before submitting them and applying them to your stream.


Add the dependency to your build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "com.github.jeroenr" %% "gnip-rule-validator" % "0.11"

Use it!

import com.github.jeroenr.gnip.rule.validation.GnipRuleValidator
import scala.util.{Success, Failure}

// successful parse example
GnipRuleValidator("(this OR that) (lang:en -from:justinbieber)") // Success("(this OR that) (lang:en -from:justinbieber)")

// failed parse example
GnipRuleValidator("a the https") // Failure(fastparse.core.ParseError: found "a the https", expected NOT ONLY STOPWORDS at index 0
// a the https
// ^)

// pattern matching example
GnipRuleValidator("(gnip OR from:688583 OR @gnip OR datasift) (\"powertrack -operators\" OR (-\"streaming code\"~4 foo OR bar)) -contains:help has:links url_contains:github") match {
  case Success(result) => println(s"Parsed: $result")
  case Failure(error) => throw error


A subset of the Gnip rule syntax is now supported:

  1. Stop words are not allowed as stand-alone terms in queries. If you need to find a phrase that contains a stop word, either pair it with an additional term, or use the exact match operators such as “on the roof”. As long as there is at least one required and allowed term in the rule, it will be allowed. Please note that this list of stop words is subject to change, but the current stop words we use are: "a", "an", "and", "at", "but", "by", "com", "from", "http", "https", "if", "in", "is", "it", "its", "me", "my", "or", "rt", "the", "this", "to", "too", "via", "we", "www", "you"

  2. Rules cannot consist of only negated terms/operators. For example, ‘-cat -dog’ is not valid.

  3. Negated ORs are not supported. Such as: apple OR -lang:en

  4. A rule keyword or input can start with either a digit (0-9) or any non-punctuation character. Current punctuation characters are defined as the ASCII characters below. Any keyword or input that needs to start with or contains punctuation must be “quoted”. A keyword can not have a colon or parentheses unless you quote it.

! % & \ ' ( ) * + - . / ; < = > ? \\ , : # @ \t \r \n " [] _
and the Unicode ranges:
U+007B -- U+00BF
U+02B0 -- U+037F
U+2000 -- U+2BFF
U+FF00 -- U+FF03
U+FF05 -- U+FF0F


Pull requests are always welcome

Not sure if that typo is worth a pull request? Found a bug and know how to fix it? Do it! We will appreciate it. Any significant improvement should be documented as a GitHub issue before anybody starts working on it.

I'm always thrilled to receive pull requests and will try to process them quickly. If your pull request is not accepted on the first try, don't get discouraged!


A parser to validate Gnip rule syntax







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Contributors 3

