QCloneItem - Show a clone of another window within your QML application (Windows only!)
- Will clone any window. Top level windows work the best, as they can be tracked automatically when resized and moved. If a child window is selected instead, the software will have to translate this into a subregion of the associated top level window instead.
- Window has to be visible, but can be minimized.
- The clone respects opacity, sizing (and anchors) and visibility.
- It is possible to crop the source window (using source property), and exclude non-client area (sourceCLientAreaOnly property).
- Window to clone is specified by window class and window title.
QML Code:
import QtQuick 2.0
import Clone 1.0
Rectangle {
id: root
width: 640
height: 480
Clone {
id: clone
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 50
windowTitle: "Calculator"
windowClass: "CalcFrame"
For a more complex example, see the example in the repository.