A small addition to enlive to strip whitespace from templates on load.
It hooks in using the get-resource and register-resource! multimethods in enlive.
For enlive templates you can use the reader macro or the type constructor
(ns demo
(:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as e]
[enlive-ws.core :as ew]))
(e/deftemplate template-with-whitespace "templates/test.html"
[:div.test] (e/content data))
(e/deftemplate template-without-whitespace (ew/->MiniHtml "templates/test.html")
[:div.test] (e/content data))
(e/deftemplate template-without-whitespace2 #enlive_ws.core.MiniHtml["templates/test.html"]
[:div.test] (e/content data))
For Kioo enlive-ws is a dependency and minification is done by default.
Copyright © 2014 Jesse Sherlock
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.