Scripts to detect artifacts in EDA data
Version 0.4
Please also cite this project: Taylor, S., Jaques, N., Chen, W., Fedor, S., Sano, A., & Picard, R. Automatic identification of artifacts in electrodermal activity data. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference. 2015.
- numpy: 1.9.2
- scipy: 0.14.0
- pandas: 0.16.0
- sklearn: 0.16.1
- pickle
- matplotlib: 1.3.1
- imp
- PyWavelets: 0.2.2
- os
Note that PickleDirectory is the main directory
Currently there are only 2 classifiers to choose from: Binary or Multiclass
To convert files other than E4 or Affective Q sensor to the Q sensor format for use on the site
Note that this will be removed in future versions and instead incorporated into the website itself
Currently, these files are written with the assumption that the sample rate is an integer power of 2.
Keep the "" and "SVMBinary.p" and "SVMMulticlass.p" files in the same directory.
Please visit to use the web-based version