BranchLink : SailJs using Node and Javascript
BranchLink : AzurePostgresDatabase
BranchLink : Django App and PostgreSQL DB
BranchLink : Java and MySQL DB
Reference 1 : Github Actions Syntax
Reference 2 : Connecting to Azure using Service principal
Service Principal is used to Authenticate and perform task on Azure subscription. Here is command line reference to create one service principal for you
Giving Service Principal access to Complete Subscription
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "myApp" --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/{subscription-id} --sdk-auth
If you want scope of service principal retricted to resource Group follow command below
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "myApp" --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{resource-group} --sdk-auth
Output of this will be similar
{ "clientId": "<GUID>", "clientSecret": "<GUID>", "subscriptionId": "<GUID>", "tenantId": "<GUID>", (...) }
Copy Complete Parenthesis and create Github Secret , This will be our First Github Secret !