This is a solution to the Code Challenge
- Write a function that takes a mesh array (described below) and calculates the mesh's volume.
- Write a unit test for the volume function in #1.
- Write the title and text for a pull request you would open to merge this code.
- Appropriately document the functions, modules, etc. you write as part of this code challenge.
- Develop this code in a git repository.
The setup script creates a virtualenv and installs the necessary dependencies.
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ python volume/ -f tests/examples/shell.npy
From feature/volume_mesh to develop
Title: FEATURE: volume of polygon from npy file
- This is a feature to determine the volume of a polygon from a list of faces.
- Unit test uses 3 example .npy files.
nosetests -c setup.cfg
flake8 volume/ tests/