Tiny script to spoof your MAC to extend free WiFi duration, specifically Cox although it should work with other similar connections.
Before installing ensure you have both OpenSSL and NMCLI before proceeding as the script does not work otherwise.
Make sure ~/.local/bin
has been added to your paths before installing or change it to a location in your path.
curl -o ~/.local/bin/suckmycox https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jeushi/suckmycox/refs/heads/main/suckmycox && chmod +x ~/.local/bin/suckmycox
wget -O ~/.local/bin/suckmycox https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jeushi/suckmycox/refs/heads/main/suckmycox && chmod +x ~/.local/bin/suckmycox
You can find the list of available devices by running nmcli dev status
Command usage for when the targetted network is 'CoxWiFi'
suckmycox [Device Name]
Command usage for when the targetted network is a network other than 'CoxWiFi'
suckmycox [Device Name] [SSID]