The DUCS Time Tracker (DTT) project is a web/mobile app that supports Drury Math & Computer Science courses that require students to record the time they spend on a course project. The application will allow student to easilty record the time they spend working on projects in their classes. It will also allow instructors to easily create weekly time sheets for use in recording grades. The functionality of the app is defined in the following set of user stories.
In software development we define the requirements for a software product in terms of stories about how the users will use the system, which are referred to as user stories. The complete list of user stories for a product is known as the backlog. The backlog for the DTT system follows:
Note: Each user story start with a name for the story in italics followed by a colon. The actor of the story will appear in bold italics. The first underlined clause indicates what the user wants to do with the product (the functionality). The second underlined clause indicates reason the actor wants the indicated functionality.
Record Work Session: As a student I want to record the time I worked on the project on a work session by session basis so that I have the freedom to record my daily work on a project at multiple times during a day.
Authenticate User: As an instructor I want students to have to authenticate themselves before recording a worksession so that I can comply with the law regarding the privacy of student grades.
View Weekly Time Card: As a student I want to be able to view my weekly time card so that I can review the project work time I have recorded.
Edit Time Card: As a student I want to be able to edit my time card prior to submitting the cardso that I can correct mistakes I made recording work sessions.
Submit Time Card: As an instructor I want students to submit their time cards before a deadline each week so that student time cards do not change after I review them.
Search Time Cards: As a student I want to be able to search my submitted time cards by week so that I can review how I recorded an activity on a previous card.
Explore Time Cards: As an instructor I want to be able to search all time cards for a project by week so that I can review the cards submitted by students for that week.
Assign Teams: As an instructor I want to be able to assign students to a team so that I can manage the time a team works on a project.
Review Team Reports: As an instructor I want to be able to view student time cards by team so that I can analyze a team’s work on a project.
View Class Report: As an instructor I want to be able to view a report of time cards for a project so thatI can record time worked on the project in my grade book.
Manage Multiple Classes: As an instructor I want to be able to manage time cards for multiple classes so that I can use time cards in more than one class.
Export Time Data: As an instructor I want to be able to export time card data for a range of dates so that I can analyze student work on projects.
API functions added as created in each Sprint.
The objectives of Sprint 1 are:
- Create basic UI for phone, tablet, and desktops.
- Create and implement an authentication API.
- Implement user sign in for students using the authentication API.
Authenticate User: As an instructor I want students to have to authenticate themselves before recording a worksession so that I can comply with the law regarding the privacy of student grades.
Task | Completion Date |
Create server.js that serves static pages from the public directory. | 12/30/2020 |
Create a static landing page with login widget & test. (index.html) | 1/16/2021 |
Define an authentication API. | 1/17/2021 |
Define the User Mongoose schema for a MongoDB database. | 1/17/2021 |
Create a user document & users schema in MongoDB database: ducs_tra. | 1/17/2021 |
Implement a database connection (in db.js) using Mongoose & test. | 1/17/2021 |
Implement the authentication API as a route & test. (clear text only) | 1/17/2021 |
Implement login using the authentication API. | 1/18/2021 |
The objective of sprint 2 is to allow a student to record a project time session.
Record Work Session: As a student I want to record the time I worked on the project on a work session by session basis so that I have the freedom to record my daily work on a project at multiple times during a day.
Data structure of a work session element is:
date: Date(), // the date the session is recorded - default current date
start: time, // the start time of session - in 24 hour format
finish: time, // finsih time - in 24 hour format
code: number, // classification code for activity type - values below
other: string, // activity code name for - other (optional)
activity: string // descritpion of the session activity
Code vaues:
- 10 - Requirements
- 20 - Analysis
- 30 - Design
- 40 - Implementation
- 50 - Testing
- 60 - Planning
- 70 - Evaluation
- 80 - Research
- 90 - Other
Task | Completion Date |
Create a UI element for recording a worksession | 1/19/2021 |
Create a Mongoose schema for a project. | 1/20/2021 |
Create a Mongoose schema for a worksession. | 1/20/2021 |
Modify user schema to include projects. | 1/20/2021 |
Implement the projects and wk-sessions collections in the ducs_tra db. | 1/25/2021 |
Design the API for saving wk-sessions. | 1/25/2021 |
Design the API for retrieving a user's projects. | 1/25/2021 |
Implement the wk-session & project APIs as a routes and test. | 1/25/2021 |
Implement saving work sessions from the UI and test. |
The objective of sprint 3 is to allow an instructor to easily record grades for a project.
View Class Report: As an instructor I want to be able to view a report of time cards for a project so that I can record time worked on the project in my grade book.
The main page that an instructor lands on will be the project reporting page. This page will allow an instructor to choose a project and the starting date of reporting week. The starting date will default to the Sunday of the current week. The report generated from this information will show the project name the starting date and ending date of the report and one line for each student working on the project. Each student line will have the student's name and the total hours they recorded on their time card for the week. Clicking on a student line will bring up a detailed time card for the student in a modal popup.
Name: Jane Doe Week: 7/24/2020 to 7/30/2020
Project: Drury Arbor Map Total Hours Worked: 14
Date | Start Time | Finish Time | Total Time | Code | Activity |
7/24 | 9:30 a.m. | 11:00 a.m. | 1.5 | 60 | Class: team meeting to prepare for client interview |
7/25 | 1:00 p.m. | 2:00 p.m. | 1.0 | 10 | Meeting with client |
Task | Completion Date |
Create design for the project reporting page. | 02/04/2021 |
Implement the design for the project reporting page. | 02/06/2021 |
Design API route to get project data for all students | 02/06/2021 |
Create API route to get project data for all students | 02/09/2021 |
Test API route to get project data for all students with postman | 02/09/2021 |
Implement API on session reporting page | 02/09/2021 |
Make API route to get individual student project data | 02/10/2021 |
Create API route to get individual student project data | 02/10/2021 |
Test API route to get individual student project data with postman | 02/10/2021 |
Implement API to see student data when student row is clicked | 02/15/2021 |
The objective of Sprint 4 is to implement a token based login process and to ensure that only encrypted passwords are stored in the database.
Authenticate User: As an instructor I want students to have to authenticate themselves before recording a work session so that I can comply with the law regarding the privacy of student grades.
(*New*) Authenticate All Users: As a sys admin I want all users of the system to have to have to authenticate themselves before they access application functions so that I can protect user's data and prevent misuse of the application.
Task | Completion Date |
Modify the api/auth route to return a JWT token when the user is successfully authenticated. | 02/22/2021 |
Modify the UI to save the JWT token in local storage. | 02/22/2021 |
Design an api for creating users. | 02/22/2021 |
Implement the api for creating users using bcrypt encrypted passwords. | 02/22/2021 |
Test the api using Postman. | 02/22/2021 |
Regenerate the user collection using the new route. (Will use Postman to do this.) | 02/22/2021 |
The objective of sprint 5 is to use sessions to improve the efficiency of the process of creating the instructor's project time report.
Authenticate User: As an instructor I want students to have to authenticate themselves before recording a work session so that I can comply with the law regarding the privacy of student grades.
Authenticate All Users: As a sys admin I want all users of the system to have to have to authenticate themselves before they access application functions so that I can protect user's data and prevent misuse of the application.
Task | Completion Date |
Adapt the route for the api call to return the project time report, api/wsession?p=pp&d=dd, to save the worksessions for each student that fall in the correct date range in a session variable(s). | 03/19/2021 |
Test modified route using Postman. | 03/19/2021 |
Use document.cookie to add the worksessions for a student to the time card report for a student. | 03/19/2021 |
Objective of this sprint is to create a MySQL database and use the database to support user functionality for 1) creating a user, and 2) authenticating a user (ie. logging in).
Authenticate User: As an instructor I want students to have to authenticate themselves before recording a work session so that I can comply with the law regarding the privacy of student grades.
Authenticate All Users: As a sys admin I want all users of the system to have to have to authenticate themselves before they access application functions so that I can protect user's data and prevent misuse of the application.
Task | Completion Date |
Create a relational database design for the DTT system. | 04/12/2021 |
Normalize the relational database design. | 04/14/2021 |
Create the test database from my design at | 04/21/2021 |
Alter the authentication route to use the database at to authenticate users. | 04/22/2021 |
To convert all API routes to use mysql instead of mongodb and implement a front-end webpage to be able to create a new user.
Authenticate User: As an instructor I want students to have to authenticate themselves before recording a worksession so that I can comply with the law regarding the privacy of student grades.
Task | Completion Date |
Update user route to use mysql | 05/06/2021 |
Make sql script to reset database | 05/09/2021 |
Update project route to use mysql | 05/10/2021 |
Update studentTotals route to use mysql | 05/11/2021 |
Update wsession route to use mysql | 05/11/2021 |
Make create new user web page | 05/11/2021 |