#Kafka Producer example
A simple kafka producer messages with API REST interface to send messages from a client to Kafka Topics
##Technology used
- Developed with Java 17
- Spring Boot 2.7.3
- Hexagonal Architecture
- Testing with junit (Júpiter) and Mockito.
- Jacoco for testing coverage
- Kafka Clients 3.2.1
- Factory Pattern, Builder Pattern, Singleton Pattern...
- MapStruct
- Lombok
- Documentation and API controller and model definitions autogenerated by OpenAPI 3.0.3 and Swagger UI
##Swagger UI
Once the application starts you can see the API documentation in:
##Kafka Server
You can configure a simple Kafka Server - Zookeeper with Docker:
docker pull johnnypark/kafka-zookeeper
To execute:
docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 -e ADVERTISED_HOST= -e NUM_PARTITIONS=3 johnnypark/kafka-zookeeper
###TO DO:
- Security
- MockMvc tests
- Include a MongoDB to save requests
- Include Webflux
- Add metrics