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Drone CI plugin to publish builds to a custom rancher-catalog.

This plugin has been simplified for drone 0.7+ (may work with 0.5+)


Create a Catalog Repo

Create a GitHub Repo. This is catalog_repo: value in ``.drone.yml`

Sample Repo to get you started.

Catalog Format

This creates a catalog for a single github project. Creates a Entry for each branch with a version of each entry for every build ordered by version/build.

base/                        # Go Templates (Create/Edit These)
  |_ catalogIcon.(png|svg)   # Copy for branch/catalogIcon.(png|svg)
  |_ config.tmpl             # Template for branch/config.yml
  |_ rancher-compose.tmpl    # Template for branch/0/rancher-compose.yml
  |_ docker-compose.tmpl     # Template for branch/0/docker-compose.yml

templates/                   # Generated Catalog (don't manually edit)
  |_ master/                 # based on branch name (master for Release Tag)
    |_ config.yml            # Catalog Entry config
    |_ catalogIcon.png       # icon image
    |_ 0/                    # Drone Build Number
      |_ docker-compose.yml  # Entry/Build docker-compose.yml
      |_ rancher-compose.yml # Entry/Build rancher-compose.yml
    |_ 1/
      |_ docker-compose.yml
      |_ rancher-compose.yml
  |_ feature-branch/
    |_ config.yml
    |_ catalogIcon.png
    |_ 5/
      |_ docker-compose.yml
      |_ rancher-compose.yml

Populate templates

drone-rancher-catalog will read the templates from the base/ directory and build the Catalog templates/ directory.

*.tmpl files are Go templates

Templates are executed with:

{{ .Build }}      // Drone Build Number
{{ .Branch }}     // Github Branch from Drone Build
{{ .Project }}    // Github Repo from Drone Build normalized for Rancher (lowercase and replace [_\.\s] with -)
{{ .Tag }}        // Docker Image Tag


Add a step in your pipeline to your project .drone.yml.

    image: jgreat/drone-rancher-catalog
    env_file: .env                            # env file that will set environment variables for the build.
    catalog_repo: jgreat/rancher-test-catalog # Rancher Catalog Github Repo
    tag_regex: "[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+"     # See Tag RegEx
    release_branch: master                    # See Standard Options
    tags:                                     # Docker Image Tags (See Tags for more info)
      - latest
      - 1.0.1
      - 1.0.1-23.test-branch.1234abcd
      - github_email                          # Github Credentials
      - github_username
      - github_token
      event: [ push ]                         # Normally we only want to publish on a push


Standard Options

  • catalog_repo: Github Repo for your Rancher Catalog. See Catalog Format.
  • tags: List of image tags. See Tags for more advanced options.
  • tag_regex: (Optional) Regular Expression to choose what docker image tag to use for the catalog. See Tags for more advanced options.
  • release_branch: (Optional) Branch name to use as the release. The {{ .Branch }} template parameter will be set = to {{ .Project }} parameter. The catalog entry will be named with the {{ .Project }} parameter.
  • env_file: (Optional) Path to an env file. This can be used to define/override environment variables. See Tags and Build Numbers for some uses.


Define your github credentials as Drone secrets.

  • github_email: Email address for commit.
  • github_username: Username for commit.
  • github_token: Personal access token for Rancher Catalog Repo.


Since we set the Rancher Catalog version to the docker image tag, the tags you use for the image must be valid SemVer.

Tag Order

The order you list the tags matters. Only one image tag is going to be specified in the catalog entry.

  1. tag_regex match
  2. First tag not latest

If no valid tags are specified the catalog creation will error out.

Tag RegEx

Use the tag_regex option to pick the tag pattern you want to use when you build your docker image with multiple tags. Since escaping is hard, I suggest using bracketed character sets instead of \ shortcuts.

For example we push our docker images with 2 tags.

  • 0.1.1 (Release tag)
  • 0.1.1-123456.master.1234abcd (Detailed tag version-buildnumber.branch.sha)

We want to use the shorter release tag.

tag_regex: "[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]$"

Static Tags

You can specify a list of tags in your .drone.yml in the same format as the docker plugin.

Programmatic Tags

Programmatic tags can be set as part of the build. You can pass the list of tags on to the docker plugin and this plugin in an env file.

Set the path to the env file with the env_file file key.

    image: jgreat/drone-rancher-catalog
    env_file: .env

Set the contents of the env file in a previous build step. PLUGIN_TAGS is a comma separated list of tags.


Build Numbers

Build numbers must be an integer. If you don't want to use Drone's build number, you can override it by using a .env file


Build drone-rancher-catalog

build with go version 1.8

Install Glide

curl | sh

Test and Build

This installs the dependencies, runs tests, builds the executable, builds a docker images.



Drone CI plugin to update a custom rancher-catalog.







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