The SPAWNN toolkit is an innovative toolkit for spatial analysis with self-organizing neural networks which is particularily useful for spatial analysis, visualization and geographical data mining.
- Implements Self-Organizing Map and Neural Gas algorithms
- Supports different approaches for considering spatial dependence
- Provides linkage between networks and geographical data
- Implements powerful clustering algorithms for structuring the networks
- Provides powerful visualizations of networks and data
A pre-build jar-file of the toolkit can be found here
An exemplary description of the usage of the toolkit can be found here.
- Hagenauer, J., & Helbich, M. (2016). SPAWNN: A Toolkit for SPatial Analysis With Self-Organizing Neural Networks. Transactions in GIS, 20(5), 755-775.
- Hagenauer, J. (2016). Weighted merge context for clustering and quantizing spatial data with self-organizing neural networks. Journal of Geographical Systems, 18(1), 1-15.
- Hagenauer, J., & Helbich, M. (2013). Contextual neural gas for spatial clustering and analysis. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 27(2), 251-266.