Prompts the user for input and parses to the value of the type requested. If an incorrect response is provided the user will be prompted again until they give a proper response.
To use this crate in your project, either add input_validation
your Cargo.toml
file or run 'cargo add input_validation`.
use input_validation::{get_input,get_bool,get_list,get_choice, get_email};
fn main() {
let name: String = get_input("What is your name? ");
println!("Hello, {}", name);
let age: u8 = get_input("What is your age? ");
println!("Your are {} years old.", age);
let is_cool: bool = get_bool("Are you cool? ");
println!("You are{} cool!", if is_cool { ""} else {" not"});
let choices = &["Apples", "Oranges", "Bananas"];
let favorite_fruit = get_choice("What is your favorite fruit? ",choices);
println!("Your favorite fruit is: {}", choices[favorite_fruit]);
let names: Vec<String> = get_list("Enter some names, separated by commas: ", ",");
println!("You entered: {:?}", names);
let numbers: Vec<i64> = get_list("Enter some numbers, separated by commas: ", ",");
println!("You entered: {:?}", numbers);
let email = get_email("Enter your email address: ");
println!("Your email address is: {}", email);
What is your name? 4
Hello, 4
What is your age? John Smith
What is your age? 43
Your are 43 years old.
Are you cool? k
Are you cool? Y
You are cool!
What is your favorite fruit? (Apples/Oranges/Bananas) apple
What is your favorite fruit? (Apples/Oranges/Bananas) apples
Your favorite fruit is: Apples
Enter some names, separated by commas: John Cougar, Fred Flintstone, Mary Cooper, violet beauregarde
You entered: ["John Cougar", "Fred Flintstone", "Mary Cooper", "violet beauregarde"]
Enter some numbers, separated by commas: j, k, w, 3
Enter some numbers, separated by commas: 1, 5, 3, 98, 42
You entered: [1, 5, 3, 98, 42]
Enter your email address:
Your email address is:
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.