This is a project developed by Johan Henkens and Kyle Jorgensen of UC Santa Barbara for CMPSC 263, Spirng 2014.
Panagram is a photo-sharing style application, specifically tailored for panoramic photos. Panagram is fully powered by Parse, and runs on iOS, Android, and the web. It is integrated with Facebook for user authentication.
Here is the Anypic tutorial from which this project is derived. We have built upon the original iOS Anypic code, and have created the Android and web versions mostly from scratch.
Panagram requires Xcode 5 and iOS 7. The tutorial provides additional setup instructions.
Open the Xcode project at
. -
Create your Panagram App on Parse.
Copy your new app's application id and client key into
[Parse setApplicationId:@"APPLICATION_ID" clientKey:@"CLIENT_KEY];"
Set up a Facebook app at
Set up a URL scheme for fbFACEBOOK_APP_ID, where FACEBOOK_APP_ID is your Facebook app's id.
Add your Facebook app id to
in theFacebookAppID
Make sure you have the Android SDK installed on your system. The version of the Eclipse IDE with ADT (Android Developer Tools) built-in can be found here. Panagram is designed for Android version 4.0 and above.
- Clone the repository and open the project in Eclipse
- (For Android Studio set up, you're on your own)
- Create your Panagram App on Parse.
- Add your Parse application ID and client key in
Parse.initialize(this, "<APP_ID>", "<CLIENT_KEY>");
4. Set up the Facebook SDK
- follow the Facebook User guide in Parse's Android documentation.
- You will have to create a Facebook application for your app, and then you will have to put the Facebook Application ID into
ParseFacebookUtils.initialize("YOUR FACEBOOK APP ID");
- Make sure that the
file is added as an Android Dependency to your project.
5.Build the project and run
The main Panagram site is at Panagram-cloud/public/index.html. The site will show the last eight photos uploaded to your Panagram app by default. You can click any of these photos to display a bigger version. is built on top of the Parse JavaScript SDK. The main JavaScript file is at Panagram-cloud/public/js/panagram.js
To get started, copy your app's id and JavaScript key into panagram.js
You'll notice that there is only one index.html, however Panagram's website displays different content for the homepage and for a single photo's landing page. This is accomplished using Backbone.js's Backbone.Router
. The following lines set up the two routes:
routes: {
"pic/:object_id": "getPic",
"*actions": "defaultRoute"
Whenever /#pic/<object_id>
is visited, the Router will call the getPic
function and pass along the object id for the photo that should be presented. The getPic
function loads the photo landing page into the DOM, then obtains the photo from Parse using Parse.Query
Any other URL will call the defaultRoute function, which should load the homepage into the DOM.
Anypic uses Sass and Compass to generate its CSS. You will find the main SCSS file at sass/screen.scss
. To get started, run compass watch
from the Panagram-cloud/public folder.
Any changes made to the .scss
files in sass/
will be picked up by Compass and used to generate the final CSS files at stylesheets/
Panagram uses media queries to present different layouts on iPad, iOS and various desktop resolutions. These media queries will apply different CSS properties, as defined by _320.scss
, _480.scss
, _768.scss
, _1024.scss
, and _1024.scss
depending on the device's horizontal resolution. You can modify these in sass/screen.scss
. The following media query applies the CSS rules laid out in _320.scss
when your website is visited from an iPhone, for example:
@media only screen and (max-width : 320px) { @import "320" }
Add your Parse app id and master key to Panagram-cloud/config/global.json
, then type parse deploy
from the command line at Panagram-cloud
. See the Cloud Code Guide for more information about the Parse CLI.
A video describing our project can be found here.
A paper describing our experiences can be found here