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A PowerShell module for interacting with the Microsoft Graph API for Directory, OneNote, OneDrive, Outlook, Planner, Teams and Sharepoint in Office 365 or consumer versions


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A group within Microsoft produces a Graph SDK for PowerShell, it is mostly auto-generated from the Open API definitions and is the starting point for other projects - like this one.

Multiple modules on the Powershell Gallery are the raw output of that project, they cover a lot of the API, but do not try to be good and usable PowerShell, commands for example:

  • Pipeline support is missing.

  • Passing parameters by position is not supported (parameters must be named).

  • Common parameters (-Verbose / -ErrorAction) are not supported, in particular -WhatIf / -confirm are not implemented for dangerous operations.

  • In many cases the API requires a GUID as a parameter, and the auto-generated commands won't take the ID from an object (which is what would be passed via the pipeline) or translate human-readable names to IDs. This kind of intelligence would be embedded in better PowerShell commands.

  • Argument completion is weak - confined to some parameter sets.

  • The full set of modules adds over 2000 commands, making it difficult to navigate and resulting in load times of over a minute.

This module includes 'PlusPlus' in its name because it extends and improves the Microsoft.Graph modules.
Some examples:

  • User creation: New-GraphUser -FirstName Bob -LastName Cratchett will use rules to generate a User Principal Name / email address (First.Last@DefaultDomain) and a display name ('First Last') and will set the user's usage location so they can be licensed immediately.
  • Finding a user: Get-GraphUser bob will find all users with names which start "bob", pressing [Tab] after bob will expand the matching User Principal Name(s).
  • Finding things connected with a user or group: Get-GraphUser bob -MemberOf returns the groups and directory roles that "bob" has been placed in; Get-GraphGroup 'Accounts' --Notebooks returns the OneNote notebook for a group.
  • Easy OneDrive and OneNote access: Get-GraphUser -Drive | Set-GraphHomeDrive removes the need to specify "current user's drive" in subsequent commands Copy-FromGraphFolder [tab] then completes the names of files and folders on that drive.

To compare just one of these Here's a simple task with PlusPlus using the alias ggu for Get-GraphUser

 ggu bob | % Manager  
Display Name Job Title      Office Location Mail
------------ ---------      --------------- ----
Jacob Marley Office Manager       

And with the SDK module

> $bob =  Get-MgUser -Filter "startswith(userprincipalName,'Bob')" -ExpandProperty manager
> Get-MgUser -UserId $bob.Manager.Id  
Id                                   DisplayName  Mail  
--                                   -----------  ----  
4f770fd0-6b51-4338-b66f-2b31d9048cd2 Jacob Marley

Pipeline support enables commands like

Get-GraphUser Jacob -DirectReports | Set-GraphUser -Manager

With long UPNs, tab completion where a name or ID is expected becomes very welcome.

Co-existence with Other Microsoft.Graph modules

Microsoft.Graph.PlusPlus requires the Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module and, if available, will use the .private.dll files from following modules (without loading the full module).

  • Users
  • Users.Functions
  • Users.Actions
  • Reports
  • Identity.SignIns
  • Identity.DirectoryManagement
  • Applications

Of these, it is strongly recommended that users is available, the others are optional.

Private DLL or Module?

Installing the all the modules creates a lot of clutter, so PlusPlus just loads their private.dll files. This allows their types to be used, so for example:
Get-GraphUser Bob will return a Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphUser object.
PlusPlus provides formatting for many of these types, and extends some of them, and only uses a small number of commands from the SDK modules.
Instead of using Install-Module microsoft.graph.reports to support the reporting commands, you can download the module with
Save-Module Microsoft.Graph.Reports -path \temp and copy Microsoft.Graph.Reports.private.dll to the Microsoft.Graph.PlusPlus module Directory.
Whichever method you use, ensure all SDK modules are the same version. Errors will result if one if one module tries to load a newer version of authentication than the others, for example.

Replacement of Aliases

The Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module defines aliases Invoke-GraphRequest and Connect-Graph
for Invoke-MGGraphRequest and Connect-MGGraph respectively.
In PlusPlus these names are defined as functions which call Invoke-MGGraphRequest and Connect-MGGraph.


When the module loads it runs Microsoft.Graph.PlusPlus.settings.ps1 in the module directory to set

  1. The default usage location to configure for new users (so they can be granted licenses).
  2. The default properties returned for users.
  3. The scopes which will be requested when logging on. Some commands will fail if you do not request the right scopes, but you can request fewer scopes if you do not intend to use all the commands.
  4. Tenant ID, Client (App) ID and Client Secret used for additional logon methods supported by Connect-Graph

If you do not want to change the file provided with the module, edit a copy of it and set the environment variable GraphSettingsPath to point to the copy. These settings can also be set on demand with the Set-GraphOptions Command

Expanded choice of logon options

Depending on settings, Connect-Graph may offer parameters -Credential -AsApp -FromAzureSession and -Refresh.
When none of these is specified it calls Connect-MgGraph which will see if a suitable token is cached in your .graph directory, and if not start the device logon process, with a message like this
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code AB12DEFGH to authenticate.

If a Tenant ID, Client ID and Secret are set (see settings above) the -AsApp switch parameter is enabled to allow the session to sign in as an app registered with Azure AD.
The -Credential parameter will be enabled if only the Tenant ID and Client ID are set; Connect-Graph treats the Client Secret as optional for allowing the login with credentials but the logon service will reject some Client IDs if no secret is provided. These two methods get an Access Token which Connect-MgGraph is told to use, and an associated Refresh Token. These logon methods allow the module to be used non-interactively; however, they only get scopes which previously been granted to the client-app; Show-GraphSession will show the scopes which have been granted. Show-GraphSession will also allow you to get the Refresh Token to use in another session and Set-GraphOptions will allow you to bring such a token into the current session. If the session has a Refresh Token, Connect-Graph -Refresh will update the Access Token, and the module attempts to do this automatically when the Access Token expires.

If the Az.accounts module has been loaded the -FromAzureSession switch parameter is enabled: this will connect as the currently signed in account, but the available scopes are fixed by the Azure accounts module.

Module contents

Commands: Session management

Set-GraphOptions,Get-AccessToken, Connect-Graph, Show-GraphSession ,Test-GraphSession Invoke-GraphRequest

Commands for working with the Directory

Users and service principals

Get-GraphUserList, Get-GraphUser, New-GraphUser, Set-GraphUser, Remove-GraphUser, Import-GraphUser Export-GraphUser, Reset-GraphUserPassword

Groups / Teams

Get-GraphGroup, New-GraphGroup, Remove-GraphGroup, Set-GraphGroup, Import-GraphGroup
Add-GraphGroupMember, Remove-GraphGroupMember, Import-GraphGroupMember, Export-GraphGroupMember


Get-GraphSKU, Get-GraphLicense, Grant-GraphLicense, Revoke-GraphLicense


Get-GraphDirectoryRole, Grant-GraphDirectoryRole, Revoke-GraphDirectoryRole, Get-GraphDirectoryRoleTemplate


Get-GraphConditionalAccessPolicy,Expand-GraphConditionalAccessPolicy, Get-GraphNamedLocation
Get-GraphDeletedObject, Restore-GraphDeletedObject
Get-GraphDomain, Get-GraphOrganization, Find-GraphPeople

Reports and Logs

Get-GraphReport, Get-GraphDirectoryLog, Get-GraphSignInLog

Commands for working with Apps

OneDrive & Excel files

Get-GraphDrive, Set-GraphHomeDrive, New-GraphFolder, Show-GraphFolder, Copy-FromGraphFolder, Copy-ToGraphFolder
New-GraphWorkBook, Get-GraphWorkBook, Export-GraphWorkSheet, Import-GraphWorksheet


Add-FileToGraphOneNote Get-GraphOneNoteBook, Set-GraphOneNoteHome, Get-GraphOneNoteSection, New-GraphOneNoteSection
Get-GraphOneNotePage, Copy-GraphOneNotePage, Add-GraphOneNotePage, Update-GraphOneNotePage, Remove-GraphOneNotePage, Out-GraphOneNote


Get-GraphMailTips, Get-GraphMailFolder , Save-GraphMailAttachment, Get-GraphMailItem , Move-GraphMailItem, Send-GraphMailMessage, Send-GraphMailForward , Send-GraphMailReply,
New-GraphRecipient, New-GraphMailAddress
Get-GraphGroupConversation, Send-GraphGroupReply, Get-GraphGroupThread, Add-GraphGroupThread, Remove-GraphGroupThread


Get-GraphReminderView, Get-GraphEvent, Add-GraphEvent, Remove-GraphEvent, Set-GraphEvent
New-GraphAttendee, New-GraphRecurrence


Get-GraphContact, Set-GraphContact, New-GraphContact, Remove-GraphContact


Get-GraphPlan, Remove-GraphPlan, Set-GraphPlanDetails, New-GraphTeamPlan
Add-GraphPlanBucket, Remove-GraphPlanBucket, Rename-GraphPlanBucket, Get-GraphBucketTaskList
Get-GraphPlanTask , Add-GraphPlanTask, Set-GraphPlanTask, Remove-GraphPlanTask, Set-GraphTaskDetails


Get-GraphList , New-GraphList , Add-GraphListItem, Set-GraphListItem, Remove-GraphListItem
New-GraphBooleanColumn, New-GraphCalculatedColumn, New-GraphChoiceColumn, New-GraphColumn, New-GraphCurrencyColumn, New-GraphDateTimeColumn, New-GraphLookupColumn, New-GraphNumberColumn, New-GraphPersonOrGroupColumn, New-GraphTextColumn
Get-GraphSite, Get-GraphSiteColumn , Get-GraphSiteUserList


Get-GraphChannel , Remove-GraphChannel
New-GraphChannelMessage, New-GraphChannelReply, Get-GraphChannelReply
Add-GraphOneNoteTab, Add-GraphPlannerTab, Add-GraphSharePointTab, Add-GraphWikiTab


Get-GraphToDoList, New-GraphToDoList, Remove-GraphToDoList, New-GraphToDoTask, Remove-GraphToDoTask, Update-GraphToDoTask

Formatting and types

The module extends 16 types from the Microsoft.Graph SDK Modules Attachment, Calendar, ChatMessage, Contact, DirectoryAudit, Drive, DriveItem, Event, List, MailTips, Reminder, SignIn, Site, Site, TeamsTab and User

It provides formats for 47 types. AppRole, Calendar, Channel, ChatMessage, ColumnDefinition, Contact, Conversation, ConversationThread, Device, DirectoryAudit, DirectoryRole, Domain, Drive, DriveItem, Event, GraphExtendedTask, Group, LicenseDetails, List, MailFolder, MailTips, Message, MicrosoftGraphMailboxSettings, Notebook, OneNoteOperation, OneNotePage, OneNoteSection, Organization, PermissionScope, Person, PlannerBucket, PlannerPlan, PlannerTask, Post, Presence, Reminder, ServicePlanInfo, ServicePrincipal, SignIn, Site, SubscribedSku, Team, TeamsApp, TeamsAppDefinition, TeamsTab, TodoTask, TodoTaskList, User and VerifiedDomain

And it provides completers for Domains, Group names, Mail folders, OneDrive folders & OneDrive Items, OneNote Section names, Roles in Azure AD, SKUs (for licensing) & the plans within SKUs, and User Principal Names.


A PowerShell module for interacting with the Microsoft Graph API for Directory, OneNote, OneDrive, Outlook, Planner, Teams and Sharepoint in Office 365 or consumer versions







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