Wiki/Documentation updates
- More information about adding a repository for receiving template updates has been added: https://github.com/jhudsl/DaSL_Course_Template_Bookdown/wiki/Receiving-template-updates#how-to-enroll-a-repository-to-receive-template-updates
- A guide about choosing platforms has been added: https://github.com/jhudsl/DaSL_Course_Template_Bookdown/wiki/Choosing-publishing-platform(s)
- Nifty graphics have been added!
- How to contribute section has been added!
Template/style changes:
- None
Github action changes:
was re-added to the files to get updates about (in sync.yml).- An automatic issue about adding one's repository to sync.yml has been added to
- issue templates have been added to the sync.yml
- Issue templates for each course have been added so individuals can file ideas and problems
Docker image updates:
- None