Here, we sequence and de novo assemble chromosome-scale genomes of nine wild species and two cultivated accessions of tomato, and constructe a super-pangenome, revealing phylogenetic relationships and structural variation among Solanum section Lycopersicon. Comparative analyses reveal extensive variation among the toamto wild species, empowering the identification of a wild-type allele presenting potential values for yield improvement in modern cultivated tomatoes.
Pipelines and relevant scripts for:
- Genome assembly
- Genome annotation
- Pan-genome
- Phylogenetic analyses
- Structural variation
- Graph-based genome
- Genome-wide association studies
We have implemented a web-based database hosting the genoimc datsets and provide a series of user-friendly tools. Please see for more details.
Hongbo Li ([email protected])
Ning Li ([email protected])
Qiang He ([email protected])