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Build win_cuda_3.4 #184

Build win_cuda_3.4

Build win_cuda_3.4 #184

Workflow file for this run

name: build_win_env
run-name: Build ${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
description: "From which folder's environment.yml, the conda environment will be built"
type: string
required: false
default: 'win_cuda_3.4'
description: 'Envs path (must be on D drive)'
type: string
required: false
default: 'D:\conda_envs'
description: "whether download jars for pyspark"
type: string
required: false
default: 'false'
description: "sparknlp fat jar version"
type: string
required: false
default: '5.3.3'
description: "sparknlp fat jar version, if wanting gpu, use '-gpu', otherwise leave it blank"
type: string
required: false
default: ''
description: "whether download sm spacy models"
type: string
required: false
default: 'false'
description: 'Max 7zip volumn size'
type: string
required: false
default: '800m'
description: "whether zip jars file only"
type: string
required: false
default: 'false'
description: 'Days to keep the artifacts'
type: int
required: false
default: 7
description: "whether remove the ivy cache, some setups might require it in air-gap environment"
type: string
required: false
default: 'false'
contents: write
runs-on: windows-latest
# - uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# fetch-depth: 0
# - name: Set up Python
# uses: actions/setup-python@v5
# with:
# python-version: '3.10'
# - name: Check Setting Folder
# run: |
# pwd
# ls ${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# shell: bash
# - name: Cache Miniforge Environment
# uses: actions/cache@v4
# with:
# path: ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}-${{ hashFiles('${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}/environment.yml') }}
# restore-keys: |
# ${{ runner.os }}-${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}-
# - name: run pre build script
# shell: pwsh {0}
# run: |
# cd ${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# pwd
# if (Test-Path -Path ".\pre_build.ps1") {
# # sometimes the activate above doesn't work for the following ps1
# pwsh .\pre_build.ps1 ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}\${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# }else{
# pwd
# ls
# Write-Output ".\pre_build.ps1 doesn't exist. Skip executing it."
# }
# - name: Install miniforge
# uses: conda-incubator/setup-miniconda@v3
# with:
# miniforge-version: latest
# activate-environment: ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# environment-file: ${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}/environment.yml
# auto-activate-base: false
# - name: Create Conda Environment
# shell: pwsh
# run: |
# cd ${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# $envPath = "${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}"
# # Check if the environment directory exists
# if (Test-Path -Path $envPath) {
# Write-Host "Environment ${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }} already exists under ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}. Will try update..."
# # conda env update -f environment.yml -p ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# } else {
# # Environment doesn't exist, proceed to create a new one
# Write-Host "Creating new environment ${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }} under ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}."
# # conda env create -f environment.yml -p ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# }
# echo "clean up cache..."
# conda clean --all -f -y
# pip cache purge
# - name: check final environment settings
# run: |
# conda activate ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# conda env export
# - name: Set HADOOP_HOME environment variable
# if: ${{ github.event.inputs.download_jars == 'true' }}
# run: |
# New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "C:\hadoop\bin"
# echo "HADOOP_HOME=C:\hadoop" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Append
# echo "C:\hadoop\bin" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Append
# - name: Download Hadoop DLLs for Windows
# if: ${{ github.event.inputs.download_jars == 'true' }}
# env:
# PYSPARK_JARS_IVY: ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/ivy
# run: |
# Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "C:\hadoop\bin\winutils.exe"
# # Assuming hadoop.dll is also required and available at a certain URL - replace this URL with the actual location for hadoop.dll
# Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "C:\hadoop\bin\hadoop.dll"
# echo "Create .ivy folder"
# New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path ${{ env.PYSPARK_JARS_IVY }}/jars
# # change the default .ivy location to ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/ivy so that can be zipped together easily
# - name: Cache Ivy jars
# if: ${{ github.event.inputs.download_jars == 'true' }}
# uses: actions/cache@v4
# with:
# path: |
# $ivyDir = ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/ivy/jars
# key: ${{ runner.os }}-ivy-${{ hashFiles('**/*.jar') }}
# restore-keys: |
# ${{ runner.os }}-ivy-
# - name: download sparknlp jars
# if: ${{ github.event.inputs.download_jars == 'true' }}
# env:
# PYSPARK_JARS_IVY: ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/ivy
# run: |
# conda activate ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# # if (!(Test-Path -Path "${{ env.PYSPARK_JARS_IVY }}/jars/spark-nlp-gpu-assembly-${{ github.event.inputs.sparknlp_version }}.jar")) {
# # curl -Lo "${{ env.PYSPARK_JARS_IVY }}/jars/spark-nlp${{ github.event.inputs.sparknlp_gpu }}-assembly-${{ github.event.inputs.sparknlp_version }}.jar"${{ github.event.inputs.sparknlp_gpu }}-assembly-${{ github.event.inputs.sparknlp_version }}.jar
# # } else {
# # echo "JAR already exists in ${{ env.PYSPARK_JARS_IVY }}/jars"
# # }
# if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty('${{ github.event.inputs.sparknlp_gpu }}')){
# python -c "import sparknlp; spark = sparknlp.start(params={'spark.jars.ivy':'${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/ivy'}); spark.stop();"
# }else{
# python -c "import sparknlp; spark = sparknlp.start(gpu=True, params={'spark.jars.ivy':'${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/ivy'}); spark.stop();"
# }
# - name: download spacy models
# if: ${{ github.event.inputs.download_spacy_model == 'true' }}
# run: |
# conda activate ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
# python -m spacy download en_core_web_md
# # - name: copy cached jars
# # run: |
# # $sourceDir = Join-Path -Path $env:USERPROFILE -ChildPath ".ivy"
# # Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceDir -Recurse -Filter *.jar | Copy-Item -Destination ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}/lib/site-packages/pyspark/jars -Force
# - name: check folder
# run: |
# ls ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}
# ls ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# - name: check jar folder
# if: ${{ github.event.inputs.download_jars == 'true' }}
# run: |
# ls ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/ivy
# ls ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/ivy/jars
# - name: clear jar cache folder
# if: ${{ github.event.inputs.download_jars == 'true' && github.event.inputs.remove_cache == 'true' }}
# run: |
# Remove-Item -Path ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/ivy/cache/* -Recurse -Force
# - name: run post build script
# shell: pwsh {0}
# run: |
# cd ${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# pwd
# conda activate ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}\${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# if (Test-Path -Path ".\post_build.ps1") {
# # sometimes the activate above doesn't work for the following ps1
# pwsh .\post_build.ps1 ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}\${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# }else{
# pwd
# ls
# Write-Output ".\post_build.ps1 doesn't exist. Skip executing it."
# }
# - name: Check for 7-Zip installation
# run: |
# if (!(Test-Path "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe")) {
# choco install 7zip
# }
# - name: Compress and split folder
# if: ${{ github.event.inputs.zip_jar_only == 'false' }}
# run: |
# pwd
# 7z a -t7z -v${{ github.event.inputs.zip_vol_size }} zipped/${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}.7z ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}*
# ls zipped
# - name: Compress and split ivy folder
# if: ${{ github.event.inputs.zip_jar_only == 'true' }}
# run: |
# pwd
# 7z a -t7z -v${{ github.event.inputs.zip_vol_size }} zipped/${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}_ivy.7z ${{ github.event.inputs.target_folder }}/ivy*
# ls zipped
# - name: Upload compressed parts as artifacts
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: ${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}
# path: zipped/*.7z.*
# retention-days: ${{ github.event.inputs.retention_days }}
- name: Determine tag name
id: tag
shell: bash
run: |
BUILD_NUMBER="$(git rev-list --count HEAD)"
SHORT_HASH="$(git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD)"
if [[ "${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }}" == "master" ]]; then
echo "name=b${BUILD_NUMBER}-${{ github.event.inputs.cuda }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
SAFE_NAME=$(echo "${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }}" | tr '/' '-')
echo "name=b${BUILD_NUMBER}-${SHORT_HASH}-${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Debug Permissions
run: |
echo "Permissions for this GITHUB_TOKEN:"
gh auth status
gh repo view
- name: Create Release
id: create_release
uses: actions/create-release@v1
tag_name: ${{ }}
release_name: ${{ }}
draft: false
prerelease: false
- name: Upload release
id: upload_release
uses: actions/github-script@v3
github-token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
script: |
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
// Retrieve necessary information
const release_id = `${{ }}`;
const release_url = `${{ steps.create_release.outputs.html_url }}`;
const buildFolder = `${{ github.event.inputs.build_folder }}`;
const descriptionFilePath = `${buildFolder}/README.MD`;
let releaseDescription = '';
// Check for README file and load its content
if (fs.existsSync(descriptionFilePath)) {
releaseDescription = fs.readFileSync(descriptionFilePath, 'utf8');
console.log("Successfully read release description from 'README.MD'");
} else {
console.warn("README.MD not found in the specified build folder. Proceeding without a detailed description.");
// Construct the environment.yml GitHub file URL manually
const branchOrCommitSha = context.sha; // Current commit SHA
const repoOwner = context.repo.owner;
const repoName = context.repo.repo;
const filePath = `${buildFolder}/environment.yml`;
const fileUrl = `${repoOwner}/${repoName}/blob/${branchOrCommitSha}/${filePath}`;
console.log(`Constructed file URL: ${fileUrl}`);
// Append the file URL to the release description
releaseDescription += `\n\nView the corresponding [environment.yml](${fileUrl}) file used for this release.`;
for (let file of await fs.readdirSync('./zipped')) {
if (path.extname(file) === '.zip') {
console.log('uploadReleaseAsset', file);
await github.repos.uploadReleaseAsset({
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,
release_id: release_id,
name: file,
data: await fs.readFileSync(`./zipped/${file}`)