This repository provides python codes for the conditional generative model to multivariate post-processing accompanying the paper
Chen, J., Janke, T., Steinke, F. and Lerch, S., 2024. Generative machine learning methods for multivariate ensemble post-processing. Ann. Appl. Stat. 18 (1) 159 - 183.
Chen, J., Janke, T., Steinke, F. and Lerch, S., 2022. Generative machine learning methods for multivariate ensemble post-processing. arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.01345.
The version of the Tensorflow library used for the code is Tensorflow 2.3, a newer version of Tensorflow may cause the code to fail. :)
The data needed for reproducing the results is publicly available:
Chen, Jieyu; Lerch, Sebastian (2022): Full data for wind speed post-processing. figshare. Dataset.
Chen, Jieyu; Lerch, Sebastian (2022): Full data for temperature post-processing. figshare. Dataset.
ECMWF forecasts from TIGGE dataset
- Forecast data: 2-days ahead 50-member ensemble forecasts
- Time range: Daily forecasts from 2007-01-03 to 2016-12-31
- Meteorological variables (t2m and ws are the target variables for post-processing):
Variable | Description |
t2m | 2-m temperature |
d2m | 2-m dewpoint temperature |
cape | Convective available potential energy |
sp | Surface pressure |
tcc | Total cloud cover |
q_pl850 | Specific humidity at 850 hPa |
u_pl850 | U component of wind at 850 hPa |
v_pl850 | V component of wind at 850 hPa |
ws_pl850 | Wind speed at 850 hPa |
u_pl500 | U component of wind at 500 hPa |
v_pl500 | V component of wind at 500 hPa |
gh_pl500 | Geopotential height at 500 hPa |
ws_pl500 | Wind speed at 500 hPa |
u10 | 10-m U component of wind |
v10 | 10-m V component of wind |
ws | 10-m wind speed |
sshf | Sensible heat flux |
slhf | Latent heat flux |
ssr | Shortwave radiation flux |
str | Longwave radiation flux |
Observations at weather stations operated by DWD
- Observation data: Daily observations of the target variable (2-m temperature and 10-m wind speed)
- Metadata:
Variable | Description |
lon | Longitude of station |
lat | Latitude of station |
alt | Altitude of station |
orog | Altitude of model grid point |
doy | Sine-transformed value of the day of the year |
- For reproducing the multivariate forecasts presented in the main paper (please download the two datasets above from figshare first):
File name | Explanation |
---|---| |
Python script to implement CGM for post-processing of multivariate 2-m temperature forecasts at multiple stations. | |
Python script to implement CGM for post-processing of multivariate 10-m wind speed forecasts at multiple stations. |
DRN_unipp_t2m.ipynb |
Jupyter notebook to implement DRN for univariate post-processing of 2-m temperature forecasts. |
DRN_unipp_ws.ipynb |
Jupyter notebook to implement DRN for univariate post-processing of 10-m wind speed forecasts. |
DRNcopula_mvpp_t2m.R |
R script to implement DRN + ECC/GCA for post-processing of multivariate 2-m temperature forecasts at multiple stations. |
DRNcopula_mvpp_ws.R |
R script to implement DRN + ECC/GCA for post-processing of multivariate 10-m wind speed forecasts at multiple stations. |
EMOScopula_mvpp_t2m.R |
R script to implement EMOS + ECC/GCA for post-processing of multivariate 2-m temperature forecasts at multiple stations. |
EMOScopula_mvpp_ws.R |
R script to implement EMOS + ECC/GCA for post-processing of multivariate 10-m wind speed forecasts at multiple stations. | |
Class of the conditional generative models for multivariate post-processing (the version used in the main paper), build with Keras. | |
Codes for computing several proper scoring rules in python. |
- Others:
File name | Explanation |
---|---| |
Codes for the class of the conditional generative models for multivariate post-processing (the version considered in the ablation study of the supplement), build with Keras |