Deblocking filter | DCT | PSNR
There are total of 3 operations that can be performed.
Compile files:
For DCT:
g++ Dct_operations.cpp FileIO/fileIO.cpp DCT/Dct.cpp -o DctOperations
For JPEG Deblocking:
g++ JPEG_deblocking.cpp Deblocking/deblock.cpp FileIO/fileIO.cpp YUV/yuv.cpp -o JPEG_Deblocking
g++ PSNR.cpp FileIO/fileIO.cpp -o PSNR
DCT operations
Run the file DctOperations and follow its usage. e.g. Run the file as: DctOperations -i lena.raw -q 60
JPEG deblocking
Run the file JPEG_Deblocking and follow its usage. e.g. Run the file as: JPEG_Deblocking -i pepper.raw -c 1
CHECK OUTPUT IN MATLAB -Once you get the desired output, you can check the quality of the output images by running the matlab file checkImageBlocking.m. -Enter the desired filenames in this file and you get the compared image output.
Calculate MSE and PSNR
Run the file PSNR and follow its usage. e.g. Run the file as: PSNR -i resources/original.dat -o resources/quantized.dat
Refer to the file jpeg.pdf and JPEGCodeReference.rtf for more details.