Updating WHEU calculations for small gas-fired storage WHs using the UEF test procedure results
see what LDEF curves look like using CEC Appliance standards database scripts to generate LDEF curves for use in 2016 ACM water heating
readWHdata.R imports, cleans & checks data from a csv file exported from the CEC appliance database. calls: setup.R (which calls logging.R), setup_wd.R, input: CEC Small Gas and Oil Htrs 2016-10-15.csv output: DT_WHs.RData
uniqueWH.R reduceS water heater data set to just unique 'base' models of same EF, RE, UA, vol, Pon, FHR calls: setup.R (which calls logging.R), setup_wd.R, input: DT_WHs.RData output: DT_WHs_unique.RData
plotLDEFs.R WHAM equation not working. Check w/ spreadsheet RE = 0.76 UA = 7.691232 Pon = 30000 vol_daily = 61.3 Ttank = 135 Tin = 58 Tamb = 67.5 den = 8.293 Cp = 0.9981
Qout [1] 41904 Q_in [1] 50517.51 DT_WHs_unique[1]$EF [1] 0.62 Qout/Q_in [1] 0.8294945