- extract_gene_functions
- prepare_input_paml.pl
- codeml.pl
- mhclust
- mpca_rna
- extract_reads_nb
- quality_control.pl
- mpca
- DESeq
- RNAnorm
- ChangeHeader
- extract_gene_expression_plot
- extract_anno
chmod +x extract_gene_functions
extract_gene_functions -i Enrichment/\*\_enrichment.txt \
-a Orthogroup-uniprot.gene.name \
--gene_column 1 \
--func_column 3 \
--functions functions_txt/pH_functions.txt \
--output 1
will print the overal functional enrichment results of all *_enrichment.txt provided, and all genes of these files underlying the functions provided by functions_txt/pH_functions.txt (the target functions).
--input,-i your input enrichment files: could be many files (such as *_enrichment.txt) or a single file
--anotation,-a your anotation files to the genes under the functions file
--gene_column,-g which column is your gene_id in your anotation files
--func_column which column is your function name in your enrichment files
--functions your target functions need to be extracted
--output,-o the prefix of the output results
--help,-h Print this help
This script is used to prepare the input for PAML
perl prepare_input_paml.pl \
--input ortho_list.txt \
--seq_dir . \
--cor_list correlation.txt \
--output .
- --input:
the first column is the protein sequence id of reference, the other columns are the nucleotide sequences of each species
\# orth_id reference_protein spe1_nuc spe2_nuc spe3_nuc spe4_nuc spe5_nuc spe6_nuc
OG0000014 sp|O62714|CASR_PIG Apoly_6299 Padel_40993 Daru_99354 Acura_116661 Ocomp_39102 Pmol_166022
OG0000021 sp|Q9JHX4|CASP8_RAT Apoly_3749 Padel_10792 Daru_24893 Acura_7918 Ocomp_30861 Pmol_46346
OG0000035 sp|O14936|CSKP_HUMAN Apoly_14462 Padel_8374 Daru_143421 Acura_125242 Ocomp_155787 Pmol_97813
OG0000047 sp|P30568|GSTA_PLEPL Apoly_17254 Padel_33286 Daru_13087 Acura_32119 Ocomp_171369 Pmol_47987
--seq_dir: directory of sequences
Example table:
refer reference_protein.fasta # the first row of cor_list (the column 1 of input) are the id of reference protein sequences
spe1 spe1.fasta # the second row of cor_list (the column 2 of input) are the nucleotide sequences of spe1
spe2 spe2.fasta # the third row of cor_list (the column 3 of input) are the nucleotide sequences of spe2
... ... ...
--input the list of orthologous genes, which should include the reference protein sequences id
and the nucleotide sequences per species
--seq_dir the directory of nucleotide sequences and reference protein sequences
--cor_list the corresponding list between species and sequence fasta file
--output,-o the directory of the output results
--help,-h Print this help
This script is used to run codel per gene
branch model
perl codeml.pl --input final_orth_input_paml.txt \
--model branch \
--dir . \
--output_suf Apoly \
--tree PNG_species_Apoly.tre \
--icode 0 \
--omega 1.2
free-ratio model: notice the tree should not have the foreground marker in the phylogeny tree
perl codeml.pl --input final_orth_input_paml.txt \
--model free-ratio \
--dir . \
--tree PNG_species.tre \
--icode 0 --omega 1.2
- --input:
- --model:
pairwise (pairwise-null, pairwise-alt);
branch (branch-null, branch-alt);
branch-site (branch-site-null, branch-site-alt);
--output_suf: optional
--dir: the directory to save the result
--icode: 0 (the codons are universal) or mt. code (1)
This script is used to output the PCA plot from multiple reads number matrixs
print command to a Rscript and then run it to output the plot
mhclust --matrix Blenny_control_read_nb.xls Blue_eyed_control_read_nb.xls Common_control_read_nb.xls Yaldwyn_control_read_nb.xls \
--samples coldata_Blenny_control.txt coldata_Blue_eyed_control.txt coldata_Common_control.txt coldata_Yaldwyn_control.txt \
--column Site_2 Site_1 Site_1 Site_2 \
--title Blenny Blue_eyed Common Yaldwyn \
--prefix total
- --matrix: Blenny_read_nb.xls
B61 B62 B63 B64 B65 B66 B67 B68 B69 B71 B72 B73 B74 B75 B76 B77 B78 B79
OG0038649 430 218 222 486 402 612 266 159 278 334 365 190 614 464 346 543 477 490
OG0039547 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
- --samples: coldata_Blenny.txt
Site_1 Site_2 Species
B61 Vn Vent Blenny
B62 Vn Vent Blenny
This script is used to output the PCA plot from multiple reads number matrixs
print command to a Rscript and then run it to output the plot
mpca_rna --matrix Blenny_control_read_nb.xls Blue_eyed_control_read_nb.xls Common_control_read_nb.xls Yaldwyn_control_read_nb.xls \
--samples coldata_Blenny_control.txt coldata_Blue_eyed_control.txt coldata_Common_control.txt coldata_Yaldwyn_control.txt \
--column Site_1 Site_1 Site_1 Site_1 \
--title Blenny Blue_eyed Common Yaldwyn \
--prefix total_pca
- --matrix: Blenny_read_nb.xls
B61 B62 B63 B64 B65 B66 B67 B68 B69 B71 B72 B73 B74 B75 B76 B77 B78 B79
OG0038649 430 218 222 486 402 612 266 159 278 334 365 190 614 464 346 543 477 490
OG0039547 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
- --samples: coldata_Blenny.txt
Site_1 Site_2 Species
B61 Vn Vent Blenny
B62 Vn Vent Blenny
This script is used to extract reads number from an overall reads number matrix
extract_reads_nb --matrix all_species_matrix.xls --genes zona_related_genes.txt --samples 1.txt
extract_reads_nb --matrix all_species_matrix.xls --samples 1.txt|head >2.txt
--matrix: the overall reads number matrix
--genes: zona_related_genes.txt;
OG0015450 sp|P79762|ZP3_CHICK Zona pellucida sperm-binding protein 3
OG0018177 sp|Q12836|ZP4_HUMAN Zona pellucida sperm-binding protein 4
OG0023058 sp|Q9BH10|ZP2_BOVIN Zona pellucida sperm-binding protein 2
- --samples: coldata.txt; # has header
Site_1 Site_2 Species
B6 Cs Control Common
B7 Cs Control Common
B8 Cs Control Common
B9 Cs Control Common
this script is used for the quality control of raw reads by fastqc and Trimmomatic
MUST NOTICE the kraken library
perl quality_control.pl --input data_list.txt --raw_dir ./raw_data \
--trim_dir ~/software/Trimmomatic-0.39 \
--kraken_lib ~/software/kraken2/library \
--fastqc ~/software/FastQC/fastqc
Example: (SNORLAX)
- The fisrt time quality control
provide a list for the raw file including its path and the name after Trimmomatic
Input: (data_list.txt)
Original_name Changed_name
B71_S70_R1_001.fastq.gz B71_R1.fq.gz
B71_S70_R2_001.fastq.gz B71_R2.fq.gz
B72_S71_R1_001.fastq.gz B72_R1.fq.gz
B72_S71_R2_001.fastq.gz B72_R2.fq.gz
Directory of raw fastq files: $raw_dir
Directory of Trimmomatic: $trim_dir
Directory of kraken library: $kraken_lib:
Directory of FastQC command: $fastqc
This script is used to output the PCA plot from multiple reads number matrixs based on all genes in your matrix
print command to a Rscript and then run it to output the plot
mpca --matrix Blenny_control_read_nb.xls Blue_eyed_control_read_nb.xls Common_control_read_nb.xls Yaldwyn_control_read_nb.xls \
--samples coldata_Blenny_control.txt coldata_Blue_eyed_control.txt coldata_Common_control.txt coldata_Yaldwyn_control.txt \
--column Site_1 Site_1 Site_1 Site_1 \
--title Blenny Blue_eyed Common Yaldwyn \
--label \
--prefix total_pca_all_gene
- --matrix: Blenny_read_nb.xls
B61 B62 B63 B64 B65 B66 B67 B68 B69 B71 B72 B73 B74 B75 B76 B77 B78 B79
OG0038649 430 218 222 486 402 612 266 159 278 334 365 190 614 464 346 543 477 490
OG0039547 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
- --samples: coldata_Blenny.txt
Site_1 Site_2 Species
B61 Vn Vent Blenny
B62 Vn Vent Blenny
- --label: use this parameter to whether have the label of the indviduals in the plot
This script is used to DESeq2 results from multiple reads number matrixs based on all genes
save the DESeq2 result of all comparisons
print the DEGs number per comparison in the screen
DESeq --matrix Blenny_read_nb.xls \
--samples coldata_Blenny.txt \
--column Site_1 \
--prefix Blenny
- --matrix: Blenny_read_nb.xls
B61 B62 B63 B64 B65 B66 B67 B68 B69 B71 B72 B73 B74 B75 B76 B77 B78 B79
OG0038649 430 218 222 486 402 612 266 159 278 334 365 190 614 464 346 543 477 490
OG0039547 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
- --samples: coldata_Blenny.txt
Site_1 Site_2 Species
B61 Vn Vent Blenny
B62 Vn Vent Blenny
Used to extract raw TPM/FPKM/expected_count from the RSEM results, and also could do the normalization;
This script was revised from the script from two script in Trinity as follows:
abundance_estimates_to_matrix.pl && run_TMM_scale_matrix.pl
can also use the two script to output the TPM-cross-sample-normalized matrix:
~/software/trinityrnaseq-2.8.5/util/abundance_estimates_to_matrix.pl --est_method RSEM --gene_trans_map none --cross_sample_norm TMM *.results
the target file: RSEM.isoform.TMM.EXPR.matrix
This script do not consider the relationship between gene and transcript, will treat the
first column of *.isoforms.results as an unit
--method Extract the Values from RSEM results; # expected_count, TPM, FPKM --prefix the prefix of the result files
- cross-samples normalization to TPM values using TMM (trimmed mean of M-values) in edgeR;
- square root normalization.
RNAnorm --method TPM --norm --prefix White_island *isoforms.results
RNAnorm --method FPKM --prefix White_island *isoforms.results
Input: B10.isoforms.results (an output result file by RSEM)
transcript_id gene_id length effective_length expected_count TPM FPKM IsoPct
OG0000007 OG0000007 5094 4788.76 3796.59 19.02 24.62 100.00
OG0000012 OG0000012 339 58.13 3322.00 1371.18 1774.81 100.00
OG0000019 OG0000019 1380 1074.76 340.00 7.59 9.82 100.00
This script is used to change the header of your read nb matrix according to you command
ChangeHeader --raw all_species_raw_nb_matrix.xls --rename rename.txt > all_species_raw_nb_rename.matrix.xls
- --rename: rename.txt
B36 Common_Cn_1
B37 Common_Cn_2
B38 Common_Cn_3
B39 Common_Cn_4
B40 Common_Cn_5
- --raw: all_species_raw_nb_matrix.xls
B36 B37 B38 B39 B40 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B31 B32 B33 B34 B35 B1
OG0038649 1974 3000 2376 2194 2773 2573 2427 2451 2573 2264 2374 2288 2152 2436 2120 2556
This script is used to print the data for expression pattern plot
extract_gene_expression_plot --matrix all_species_raw_nb_rename_ordered.matrix.xls \
--sample coldata_rename_trait.txt \
--gene gene.txt \
--col1 Species --col2 Site_1 \
--order1 Common Yaldwyn Blue_eyed Blenny \
--order2 Cs Cn Vs Vn
Input files:
- --matrix all_species_raw_nb_rename_ordered.matrix.xls
B61 B62 B63 B64 B65 B66 B67 B68 B69 B71 B72 B73 B74 B75 B76 B77 B78 B79
OG0038649 430 218 222 486 402 612 266 159 278 334 365 190 614 464 346 543 477 490
OG0039547 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
- --sample coldata_rename_trait.txt
Site_1 Site_2 Species Site_3 Date pH_Meth pH_Mett Salinity Sea_condition Length Gender
Blenny_Cn_1 Cn Control Blenny Control 2019/1/15 NA 8.1 31.8 big_swell 6.2 Female
Blenny_Cn_2 Cn Control Blenny Control 2019/1/15 NA 8.1 33.7 big_swell 4.8 Female
Blenny_Cs_1 Cs Control Blenny Control 2019/1/15 NA 8.12 32.9 big_swell 4.2 NA
- && 4. the column to be reordered in the samples file (coldata_rename_trait.txt)
- Order in the first column
- Order in the second column
This script is used to extract the annotation information of selected genes
extract_anno --genes Blenny_Control_Vent.DEGs.txt \
--anno unprot_name_description_orthgroup.txt \
--col 1
Input files:
- --genes Blenny_Control_Vent.DEGs.txt
- --anno unprot_name_description_orthgroup.txt (this file should be seperated by Tabular form)
Orth_id Uni_id Gene_des
OG0000007 sp|Q9Y3S1|WNK2_HUMAN Serine/threonine-protein kinase WNK2
OG0000012 sp|P18729|ZG57_XENLA Gastrula zinc finger protein XlCGF57.1 (Fragment)
OG0000019 sp|P03360|POL_AVIRE Gag-Pol polyprotein (Fragment)
OG0000020 sp|O60284|ST18_HUMAN Suppression of tumorigenicity 18 protein
- --col the column of annotation file (--anno unprot_name_description_orthgroup.txt) that includes the elements in selected genes (--genes Blenny_Control_Vent.DEGs.txt)