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Add smoothing cubic splines #103

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Feb 6, 2025
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ This package provides:

- evaluation of splines and their derivatives and integrals;

- spline interpolations and function approximation;
- spline interpolations, smoothing splines and function approximation;

- basis recombination, for generating bases satisfying homogeneous boundary
conditions using linear combinations of B-splines.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/Project.toml
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Documenter = "1"
Makie = "0.21"
Makie = "0.22"

CPUSummary = "2a0fbf3d-bb9c-48f3-b0a9-814d99fd7ab9"
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ This package provides:
- evaluation of [splines](@ref Splines-api) and their derivatives and

- [spline interpolations](@ref interpolation-api) and
[function approximation](@ref function-approximation-api);
- [spline interpolations](@ref interpolation-example), [smoothing splines](@ref smoothing-example) and
[function approximation](@ref function-approximation-example);

- [basis recombination](@ref basis-recombination-api), for generating bases
satisfying homogeneous boundary conditions using linear combinations of
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CurrentModule = BSplineKit.SplineInterpolations

High-level interpolation of gridded data using B-splines.
High-level interpolation and fitting of gridded data using B-splines.

## Functions


## Types
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# Clearly, the spurious oscillations are strongly suppressed near the
# boundaries.

# ## [Smoothing cubic splines](@id smoothing-example)
# One can use [smoothing splines](
# to fit noisy data.
# A smoothing spline is a curve which passes close to the input data, while avoiding strong
# fluctuations due to possible noise.
# The smoothign strength is controlled by a regularisation parameter ``λ``.
# Setting ``λ = 0`` corresponds to a regular interpolation (the obtained spline passes
# through all the points), while increasing ``λ`` leads to a smoother curve which roughly
# approximates the data.
# Given a set of data points ``(x_i, y_i)``, the idea is to construct a spline ``S(x)`` that
# minimises:
# ```math
# ∑_{i = 1}^N w_i |y_i - S(x_i)|^2 + λ ∫_{x_1}^{x_N} \left[ S''(x) \right]^2 \, \mathrm{d}x
# ```
# Here ``w_i`` are optional weights that may be used to give "priority" to certain data
# points.
# Note that only cubic splines (order ``k = 4``) are currently supported.

rng = MersenneTwister(42)
Ndata = 20
xs = sort!(rand(rng, Ndata))
xs[begin] = 0; xs[end] = 1; # not strictly necessary; just to set the data limits
ys = cospi.(2 .* xs) .+ 0.04 .* randn(rng, Ndata);

# Create smoothing spline from data:

λ = 1e-3
S_fit = fit(xs, ys, λ)

# If we want the spline to pass very near a single data point, we can assign a
# larger weight to that point:

weights = fill!(similar(xs), 1)
weights[12] = 100 # larger weight to point i = 12
S_fit_weight = fit(xs, ys, λ; weights)

# Plot results and compare with natural cubic spline interpolation:

S_interp = interpolate(xs, ys, BSplineOrder(4), Natural())

scatter(xs, ys; label = "Data", color = :black)
lines!(0..1, S_interp; label = "Interpolation", linewidth = 2)
lines!(0..1, S_fit; label = "Fit (λ = $λ)", linewidth = 2)
lines!(0..1, S_fit_weight; label = "Fit (λ = $λ) with weight", linestyle = :dash, linewidth = 2)
axislegend(position = (0.5, 1))
current_figure() # hide

# ## [Extrapolations](@id extrapolation-example)
# One can use extrapolation to evaluate splines outside of their domain of definition.
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/SplineInterpolations/SplineInterpolations.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module SplineInterpolations
using ..BSplines
using ..Collocation
using ..Collocation: CyclicTridiagonalMatrix, IdentityMatrix
using ..DifferentialOps: Derivative
using ..Splines

using BandedMatrices
Expand All @@ -21,7 +22,9 @@ using ..Recombinations:
using ..BoundaryConditions

SplineInterpolation, spline, interpolate, interpolate!
SplineInterpolation, spline, interpolate, interpolate!, fit


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110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions src/SplineInterpolations/smoothing.jl
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@doc raw"""
fit(xs, ys, λ::Real, [BSplineOrder(4)]; [weights = nothing])

Fit a cubic smoothing spline to the given data.

Returns a natural cubic spline which roughly passes through the data (points `(xs[i], ys[i])`)
given some smoothing parameter ``λ``.
Note that ``λ = 0`` means no smoothing and the results are equivalent to
all the data.

One can optionally pass a `weights` vector if one desires to give different weights to
different data points (e.g. if one wants the curve to pass as close as possible to a
specific point). By default all weights are ``w_i = 1``.

More precisely, the returned spline ``S(x)`` minimises:

∑_{i = 1}^N w_i |y_i - S(x_i)|^2 + λ ∫_{x_1}^{x_N} \left[ S''(x) \right]^2 \, \mathrm{d}x

Only cubic splines (`BSplineOrder(4)`) are currently supported.

# Examples

```jldoctest smoothing_spline
julia> xs = (0:0.01:1).^2;

julia> ys = @. cospi(2 * xs) + 0.1 * sinpi(200 * xs); # smooth + highly fluctuating components

julia> λ = 0.001; # smoothing parameter

julia> S = fit(xs, ys, λ)
101-element Spline{Float64}:
basis: 101-element RecombinedBSplineBasis of order 4, domain [0.0, 1.0], BCs {left => (D{2},), right => (D{2},)}
order: 4
knots: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0001, 0.0004, 0.0009, 0.0016, 0.0025, 0.0036 … 0.8836, 0.9025, 0.9216, 0.9409, 0.9604, 0.9801, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
coefficients: [0.946872, 0.631018, 1.05101, 1.04986, 1.04825, 1.04618, 1.04366, 1.04067, 1.03722, 1.03331 … 0.437844, 0.534546, 0.627651, 0.716043, 0.798813, 0.875733, 0.947428, 1.01524, 0.721199, 0.954231]
function fit end

function fit(
xs::AbstractVector, ys::AbstractVector, λ::Real, order::BSplineOrder{4};
weights::Union{Nothing, AbstractVector} = nothing,
λ ≥ 0 || throw(DomainError(λ, "the smoothing parameter λ must be non-negative"))
eachindex(xs) == eachindex(ys) || throw(DimensionMismatch("x and y vectors must have the same length"))
N = length(xs)
cs = similar(xs)

T = eltype(cs)

# Create natural cubic B-spline basis with knots = input points
B = BSplineBasis(order, copy(xs))
R = RecombinedBSplineBasis(B, Natural())

# Compute collocation matrices for derivatives 0 and 2
A = BandedMatrix{T}(undef, (N, N), (1, 1)) # 3 bands are enough
D = similar(A)
collocation_matrix!(A, R, xs, Derivative(0))
collocation_matrix!(D, R, xs, Derivative(2))

# Matrix containing grid steps (banded + symmetric, so we don't compute the lower part)
Δ_upper = BandedMatrix{T}(undef, (N, N), (0, 1))
fill!(Δ_upper, 0)
@inbounds for i ∈ axes(Δ_upper, 1)[2:end-1]
# Δ_upper[i, i - 1] = xs[i] - xs[i - 1] # this one is obtained by symmetry
Δ_upper[i, i] = 2 * (xs[i + 1] - xs[i - 1])
Δ_upper[i, i + 1] = xs[i + 1] - xs[i]
Δ = Hermitian(Δ_upper) # symmetric matrix with 3 bands

# The integral of the squared second derivative is (H * cs) ⋅ (D * cs) / 6.
H = Δ * D

# Directly construct LHS matrix
# M = Hermitian((H'D + D'H) * (λ / 6) + 2 * A' * W * A) # usually positive definite

# Construct LHS matrix trying to reduce computations
B = H' * D # this matrix has 5 bands
buf_1 = (B .+ B') .* (λ / 6) # = (H'D + D'H) * (λ / 6)
buf_2 = if weights === nothing
A' * A
A' * Diagonal(weights) * A # = A' * W * A

@. buf_1 = buf_1 + 2 * buf_2 # (H'D + D'H) * (λ / 6) + 2 * A' * W * A
M = Hermitian(buf_1) # the matrix is actually symmetric (usually positive definite)
F = cholesky!(M) # factorise matrix (assuming posdef)

# Directly construct RHS
# z = 2 * A' * (W * ys) # RHS
# ldiv!(cs, F, z)

# Construct RHS trying to reduce allocations
zs = copy(ys)
if weights !== nothing
eachindex(weights) == eachindex(xs) || throw(DimensionMismatch("the `weights` vector must have the same length as the data"))
lmul!(Diagonal(weights), zs) # zs = W * ys
mul!(cs, A', zs) # cs = A' * (W * ys)
lmul!(2, cs) # cs = 2 * A' * (W * ys)

ldiv!(F, cs) # solve linear system

Spline(R, cs)

fit(x, y, λ; kws...) = fit(x, y, λ, BSplineOrder(4); kws...)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions test/smoothing.jl
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# Test smoothing splines

using BSplineKit
using QuadGK: quadgk
using Test

# Returns the integral of |S''(x)| (the "curvature") over the whole spline.
function total_curvature(S::Spline)
ts = knots(S)
k = order(S)
xs = @view ts[(begin - 1 + k):(end + 1 - k)] # exclude repeated knots at the boundaries
@assert length(xs) == length(S)
S″ = Derivative(2) * S
curv, err = quadgk(xs) do x

function distance_from_data(S::Spline, xs, ys)
dist = zero(eltype(ys))
for i in eachindex(xs, ys)
dist += abs2(ys[i] - S(xs[i]))
sqrt(dist / length(xs))

@testset "Smoothing cubic splines" begin
xs = (0:0.01:1).^2
ys = @. cospi(2 * xs) + 0.1 * sinpi(200 * xs) # smooth + highly fluctuating components

# Check that smoothing with λ = 0 is equivalent to interpolation
@testset "Fit λ = 0" begin
λ = 0
S = @inferred fit(xs, ys, λ)
S_interp = spline(interpolate(xs, ys, BSplineOrder(4), Natural()))
@test coefficients(S) ≈ coefficients(S_interp)

@testset "Smoothing" begin
λs = [0.0, 1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2]
curvatures = similar(λs)
distances = similar(λs)
for i in eachindex(λs)
S = @inferred fit(xs, ys, λs[i])
curvatures[i] = total_curvature(S)
distances[i] = distance_from_data(S, xs, ys)
@test issorted(curvatures; rev = true) # in decreasing order (small λ => large curvature)
@test issorted(distances) # in increasing order (large λ => large distance from data)

@testset "Weights" begin
λ = 1e-3
weights = fill!(similar(xs), 1)
S = fit(xs, ys, λ)
Sw = @inferred fit(xs, ys, λ; weights) # equivalent to the default (all weights are 1)
@test coefficients(S) == coefficients(Sw)
# Now give more weight to point i = 3
weights[3] = 1000
Sw = fit(xs, ys, λ; weights)
@test abs(Sw(xs[3]) - ys[3]) < abs(S(xs[3]) - ys[3]) # the new curve is closer to the data point i = 3
@test total_curvature(Sw) > total_curvature(S) # since we give more importance to data fitting (basically, the sum of weights is larger)
@test distance_from_data(Sw, xs, ys) < distance_from_data(S, xs, ys)