This is basic website made for the lorentz center workshop eWUDAPT: Bringing eScience to Urban Climate Mapping and Modelling
- set up a virutal environment for the python packages
mkdir eWUDAPT && cd eWUDAPT
virtualenv .
. env/bin/activate
- install pelican and markdown and dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- install the theme
git clone theme
- Build the static website
make html
- The output directory now contains the full website. You can host it using your preferred server, or for development use the built-in webserver:
cd output
python -m pelican.server
# Plots
Plots should be placed in the content/images directory.
Naming scheme: ```usecase??_stage?_variable.jpg```
# Quick links
* [Markdown primer](
* [Adding images to pelican blog posts in markdown](