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##How to synchronize the speech Remember to include scripts in <head> tag

<script src="sockjs.js"></script>
<script src="stomp.js"></script>		
<script src="adapter.js"></script>
<script src="middleware_api.js"></script>


//Speech info object, which will be sent to middleware once the connection is on
//lefttime: dd/mm/YY HH:MM (Time you want to start speech)
var startTime = current_time_string(); //Example: "21/02/2016 12:05"
var speech_info = {"speaker": "Jilin", "topic": "New speech", "startTime": startTime, "password": "abcdefg123"};

//API object
var soapbox = new Soapbox();

//Connect to the middleware(signaling server)
//Four params: onConnect, onError, onReceiveMessage, ConfigParams
soapbox.connect(function () {
    //onaddhotspotstream callback should be set before everything, when connected
    soapbox.onaddhotspotstream = function(event) {
        hotspotVideo.src = URL.createObjectURL(;
    //Callback for knowing if the start action succeeds
    soapbox.onreceivestartfeedback = function(feedback) {
        //feedback is either "success", or "failure"
    //Mandatory, register itself

	//Submit the speech info
    //Start speech transmission
    //start a new speech immediately
    //soapbox.start(local_stream, speech_info)
    //Callback of validating password
    soapbox.onvalidationresult = function(result) {
        //result will be -1, 0, 1, or 2
        //2 means exact password for next speech
        //1 means valid password but not for next speech
        //0 means invalid password
        //-1 means now no reservation at all 
    //Request validating a password to check if it is for the next speech
    //Callback of deleting a speech
    soapbox.ondeletespeech = function(success) {
        //success is a boolean value: true or false
    //Delete a speech based on corresponding password
    //Might be problematic when hotspot website is not using ssl, since camera usage requires confirmation by pressing button in pop-up window

//Try to tell middleware that it is about to close
window.onbeforeunload = function(event) {

Register callbacks for likes, dislikes, reports, comments

//Register likes update callback
soapbox.onreceivelikes = function (likes) {
    //Show the likes info
    console.log("Current likes: " + likes);
//Register dislikes update callback
soapbox.onreceivedislikes = function (dislikes) {};
//Register comment update callback
soapbox.onreceivecomment = function (username, comment) {};
//Register reports update callback
soapbox.onreceivereports = function (reports) {};

Register callbacks for all speeches, upcoming speeches today, next speech, current speech

//Callback of all speeches
soapbox.onreceiveallspeeches = function (speeches) {
    //It would be an array like below, noted  that the value of "submit_info" field would preserve as whatever you send when you submit
    //   [ {
    //       "speech_id": "10/09/2014 12:00", "submit_info": {"startTime": XXX, "topic": XXX ...}
    //     },
    //     {
    //        "speech_id": "10/09/2016 12:00", "submit_info": {"startTime": XXX, "topic": XXX ...}
    //     },
    //      ...
    //   ]
//Initial the action to send me all reservations

//Callback of upcoming speeches today, including today's next speech
soapbox.onreceiveupcomingtodayspeech = function(speeches) {
    //Similar as onreceiveallspeeches

//Callback of requesting next speech info
soapbox.onreceivenextspeechinfo = function(speech_info) {
//Ask for next speech

soapbox.onreceivecurrentspeechinfo = function(current_speech) {

Examples of extracting date and time string from received date_time_string: (Format is "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")

var date_time = extract_date_time("25/11/2015 12:00");
    //Output: {date: "25/11/2015", time: "12:00"}
//You can access date string via, or time string via date_time.time

//More customized options, like extracting exact day, month, year, hour, minute string from it
extract_date_time("25/11/2015 12:00", {"day": true, "year": true})
    //Output: {date: "25/11/2015", time: "12:00", day: "25", year: "2015"}


##How to receive the speech Example:

//API object
var hotspot = new Hotspot("unique-hotspot-name");

//Setup the video object for displaying remote stream
var remoteVideo = document.getElementById('remoteVideo'); //It should be your video element

// Setup monitor stream for each hotspot
var monitorVideo = document.getElementById('monitorVideo');

//Connect to the middleware(signaling server)
//Four params: onConnect, onError, onReceiveMessage, ConfigParams
hotspot.connect(function () {
    //To register callbacks of likes, dislikes, reports, comment, usage is the same as soapbox example above

    //Mandatory, register itself
            video: true,
            audio: true
        function(stream) {
            //Add the hotspot stream so that physical soapbox and virtual users can view it
        function (error) {
            console.log('navigator.getUserMedia error: ', error);

//Callback for stopping broadcasting
hotspot.onstopspeech = function() {
    //Do something when a speech is stopped

//Make sure now you are already connected, otherwise it could fail;


##How to comment Example:

//API object
var audience = new Audience("unique-audience-id", "female", 25);

//Each time you want to comment, you can use connection method first (different from hotspot and soapbox)
audience.connect(function () {
    //Set up speech info callback, speech_info is a JSON object
    audience.onreceivespeechinfo = function (speech_info) {
    //Request for initial update of speech info

    //You can comment here 
    audience.comment("user2015", "I want to make a comment now!");
    //Online for a speech;
    //Offline when close the connection
    //Callback of current users 
    audience.onreceivecurrentusers = function (users) {
        //users is the amount of current users for current speech

Virtual soapbox

Suppose virtuals are all open after hotspots are online

##How to receive the speech Example:

//API object
var virtual = new Virtual("unique-name");   //Example name: "" + Math.random()

//Setup the video object for displaying remote stream
var remoteVideo = document.getElementById('remoteVideo'); //It should be your video element for soapbox
var hotspotVideo = document.getElementById('hotspotVideo'); //It should be your video element for hotspot


//Connect to the middleware(signaling server)
//Four params: onConnect, onError, onReceiveMessage, ConfigParams
virtual.connect(function () {
    //First it needs to register
    //If it wants to start a speech right now
    virtual.start(local_stream, speech_info); 
    //Try to tell middleware that it is about to close speech
    //Tell middleware that user would leave now, not watching the virtual soapbox
    virtual.onstopspeech = function() {
        //Now the speech given by physical soapbox is stopped.
    virtual.onaddhotspotstream = function(event) {
        //Should assign it based on your logics
        hotspotVideo.src = URL.createObjectURL(;
    // Start monitor stream by unique virtual watchman
    virtual.onregister = function() {

//Register callbacks
virtual.onreceivespeechinfo = function(speech_info) {};
virtual.onreceivecomment = function(username, comment) {};
virtual.onreceivelikes = function(likes){};
virtual.onreceivedislikes = function(dislikes){};
virtual.onreceivereports = function(reports){};
virtual.onreceivecurrentusers = function(users){};  //TODO - using online and offline in virtual to handle this info

virtual.comment("Jilin", "I want to comment now");;

##List of STUN server (

##STUN server tester online

##VM server IP

##How to start rabbitmq server in restricted admin access Windows PC

  1. Open CMD in Admin mode
  2. Temporarily set homedrive and homepath env variables by typing: set homedrive=C: set homepath=\Windows So that the path of .erlang.cookie file will be located in correct %homedrive%/%homepath% (Usually it is in C:\Windows)
  3. Start rabbitmq server in the background by typing: rabbitmq-server -detached

##How to install and start rabbitmq server in vm server ###Official Guide:

  1. Install erlang
  2. download rabbitmq rpm
  3. import signing key
  4. install package
  5. Run: chkconfig rabbitmq-server on /sbin/service rabbitmq-server stop/start/etc

Note: Use this command to fire the server in background. sudo rabbitmq-server start -detached

  1. Check status of the server: sudo rabbitmqctl status And by now, it should be successfully installed and started

##How to start web stomp plugin

  1. sudo chmod 777 /etc/rabbitmq/enabled_plugins
  2. sudo rabbitmq-server start -detached

##How to enable others to access than localhost ("guest" user can only connect via localhost)

  1. Default location of config file in RPM should be placed in: /etc/rabbitmq/
  2. rabbitmq.config.example file can be retrieved from /usr/share/doc/rabbitmq-server/ or /usr/share/doc/rabbitmq-server-3.5.4/
  3. Uncomment a line so that: [{rabbit, [{loopback_users, []}]}]
  4. Don't forget to delete the comma after that line


  1. Problem: How to restart rabbitmq server sudo service rabbitmq-server restart

  2. Problem: Cookie file /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie must be accessible by owner only chmod 600

  3. Problem: {cannot_read_enabled_plugins_file,"/etc/rabbitmq/enabled_plugins"!topic/rabbitmq-users/DtwvJ2W634Q Change access of the enabled_plugins file to 777 Noted: This file seems to be umasked by root user everytime you want to enable new plugins. Just chmod each time, and restart the server

  4. Problem: Cannot connect to the test hotspot You must be within the panOulu network (not ee network, or others)

  5. Problem: Video transmission starts and freezes at the first frame using WebRTC. Add "autoplay" attribute to the video tag for displaying the video

  6. Problem: When soapbox is broadcasting to many hotspots and soapbox goes down and reconnects, basically middleware will ask for multiple offers at the same time. Then soapbox will react to it, and iceConnectionState remain "checking" and adapter.js has typeeeror as cannot setRemoteDescription because STATE_INPROGRESS This problem is actually very severe if multiple hotspot clients are requesting simultaneously, or soapbox goes down in the middle of multi-broadcasting. I tried delaying the answers from middleware, or disabling the ICE trickling, but neither worked. The only solution is to send "ready" flag when soapbox has successfully set remote description. Meanwhile, enable middleware to start new threads for sending requests of offers to soapbox only when status of soapbox is ready. Remember to use lock in threaded function, as it could cause serious potential problems if the request_offer message is not sent integratedly!topic/discuss-webrtc/vINLJSSOxtE

  7. Problem: MediaStreamRecorder.js has TypeError: videoElement.start is not a function. Thus we cannot use the stream recording API. Check whether your html adds RecordRTC.js and MediaStreamRecorder.js at the same time. It seems they are conflicted and should only be added either one.

  8. Problem: Cannot use window.saveAs in Chrome Use this repo to add FileSaver.js in your resources:

  9. Problem: _id default field in MongoDB is retrieved but not JSON serializable Need to explicitly exclude _id as it is not JSON serializable

  10. Problem: Sometimes unknown client will be attached to the exchange even without notice, thus some unexpected responses will be generated and confuse the middleware First disable prerendering in chrome/safari. Second, close the whole browser and restart it again.

  11. Virtual web apps cannot receive video, but meanwhile hotspot web apps can. Such weird problem can be fixed simply by closing your firewall temporarily. Also, having same network is mandotary without justified reasons. E.g.: you need to use PanOulu for both speakers and receivers

  12. Sometimes soapbox cannot receive stream from hotspot, but hotspot can receive stream from soapbox? Why is that?

  • Because the key lies on creating the RTCPeerConnection object exactly at the right now, don't do it too early, since ice candidate will be gathered and sent to middleware, but maybe the counterpart is not ready yet. Also don't do it too late when sdp or ice is coming, there must be a new RTCPeerConnection object there. Refer to the usage of waitForSpeechTransmission() function in hotspot API in commit: a1a8804, which is a successful example.

#To do

  1. Enabel SSL and https, for both xampp and rabbitmq ssl options. Thus camera permission can be granted to the website permanently.

  2. Add comments

  3. Save video and audio locally in soapbox and background upload it to the middleware server Solution: Soapbox will save it using manual confirm in prompt. Then it sends a message to /exchange/soapbox/stream_uploader when everything is ready. Then the local stream_uploader script will send the local stream files to middleware using other methods. Then middleware will combine the video/webm and audio/wav streams together, and save it to database

  4. Simple browsing website for archiving the history speech and also the current speech

  5. Move everything to virtual server with public IP and ports.

  6. Write testing scripts using selenium like:

  7. Virtual user cannot receiver video again when second one starts.

  8. Timezone effect should be considered in middleware api js library.

#Notice Run MongoDB instance locally for now: mongod


  1. Mongodb
  2. Python 2.7+, pip
  3. pip install pika requests pymongo
  4. (Optional) Install nodejs and adminmongo for visualizing mongodb data


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