Portfolio repository for files from key projects.
Designed, implemented, and queried a relational database given only a dirty CSV file. Designed entity-relation model, developed queries, visualized data, and implemented a stored procedure. Learned MySQL, relational database design/implementation, and data visualization in R. Delivered reproduceable R markdown notebook.
Delivered an instructive seminar on linear programming and the Simplex Algorithm as team leader. Defined project scope, researched algorithm, and led seminar. Learned implementation and applications of linear programming and Simplex Algorithm. Delivered seminar presentation, informative handout, and challenging sample problem.
Implement a machine learning model to predict song genre based solely on lyric text. Served as team leader, implemented lyric scraping program, feature engineering, and model. Learned skills in NLP, data scraping, and supervised learning models. Model was able to differentiate between hip-hop and country genres with over 90% accuracy.