Simple project presented as is in an experimental state. Intent is to create a library that is able to tag entities with name/value pairs. The library is most useful and efficient where a set of entities has alot of tags in common. All names and values are stored in a string cache to reduce memory consumption.
#include "tag_factory.hpp"
#include "entity_store.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
tagset::TagFactory tagFactory;
tagset::EntityStore<u_int64_t> store{ tagFactory };
auto tagSet1 = tagset::GenerateTagSet(tagFactory, { { "TagName1", "TagValue1" }, { "TagName2", "TagValue2" } });
auto tagSet2 = tagset::GenerateTagSet(tagFactory, { { "TagName3", "TagValue3" }, { "TagName4", "TagValue4" } });
store.Add(1, tagSet1);
store.Add(2, tagSet1);
store.Add(3, tagSet2);
const auto entities1 = store.FindEntities(tagSet1);
It is also possible to create derived tags:
const auto includedTagSet = tagset::GenerateTagSet(tagFactory, { { "TagName3", "TagValue3" } });
const auto excludedTagSet = tagset::GenerateTagSet(tagFactory, { { "TagName1", "TagValue" } });
tagset::DerivedTagDefinition derivedTagDefinition{ "DerivedTagName1", "DerivedTagValue1", includedTagSet, excludedTagSet };